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To el or not to el, that is the question!

Posted by rashidas on Mon Apr 18 23:29:33 2005

To elevate heavy rail or not to elevate heavy rail, that is the question! In Queens at least the last new elevated subway was the Astoria line opened during WWI. As far as I know, modern concrete based elevated rail lines like the Airtrain are much cheaper and faster to build than comparable subway lines. Singapore completed a large, complex system in 4 years. So would Queens residents be more likely to tolerate an el from the 63rd St. tunnel along the service road of the LIE rather than along the ROW of the LIRR or even, God Forbid, along Queens Blvd? Would Queens residents prefer building 2 more tracks under the Queens Blvd. service road? What would the NIMBY's do? How much cheaper are concrete els to build compared to digging tunnels?


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