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Re: Keeping old South Ferry station open for the Lexington line after the 1 moves to its new station

Posted by Russ on Tue Jun 17 17:03:52 2008, in response to Re: Keeping old South Ferry station open for the Lexington line after the 1 moves to its new station, posted by Wallyhorse on Tue Jun 17 06:17:40 2008.

You misread Russ:

The old shuttle would be revived to cover the rush hours

Fair enough, I did misread that point. That said, the old shuttle was discontinued for a reason, and there is no demand to reinstate it. Why spend the money on reintroducing an unwanted service when there are riders, such as those on the G train, begging the MTA for enhanced service?

As for the 6 going to BG/SF late nights, that would only add 3-4 stops to that line

You've either added time to the headway of 6 trains, or you have to pay for providing more service. I occasionally ride these trains in the wee hours of the morning, and they are anything but crowded. The extra service is not needed.

Let us also remember that the operational problems with that station still exist. Any plan to reintroduce revenue service to the current SF station will reintroduce the operational problems.

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