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Re: Keeping old South Ferry station open for the Lexington line after the 1 moves to its new station

Posted by Michael549 on Sun Jun 15 13:49:10 2008, in response to Re: Keeping old South Ferry station open for the Lexington line after the 1 moves to its new station, posted by Wallyhorse on Sun Jun 15 01:57:25 2008.

The basic problem with a South Ferry shuttle is that the average person can walk the distance from Bowling Green to the South Ferry terminal as a measure of time, that would often be faster than the intervals of the Ferry shuttle. Translation to english - I have just arrived at Bowling Green by subway and I have 8 minutes to make the g-d boat, if I miss the g-d boat I have a 30 minute wait. Unless that ferry shuttle is ready to leave right at that moment, it would be useless.

While the rush hour schedule of the ferries is 15 and 20 minutes rush hours; 30 minutes daytimes - evenings and nights; and very late nights and weekend nights at 60 minutes -- I usually find myself traveling during the periods when the boats run 30 and 60 minutes apart. I have lived on Staten Island since 1990, and I am well acquainted with each of the nearby subway stations.

I have just arrived at Bowling Green and I have 8 minutes to make the g-d boat, if I miss the g-d boat I have a 30 minute wait. Walking the distance would take about 5 minutes - meaning that I would make the boat without wheezing. If the ferry shuttle operated every 10 minutes the chances of missing the boat are greater should one take it. If the ferry shuttle operated every 5 minutes or less - the chances of missing a boat are reduced. The one real advantage to the ferry shuttle is the all-weather aspect of the travel.

In fairness over the years, I have missed boats whether or not I have taken the #1 or #9, the #4 or #5, J-M or N-W-R trains. Stuff happens. Missing a boat by a minute or two, is more hurtful than missing a boat by 10 or 15 minutes. In one case one could have made the boat if only..., in the other case one is simply early for the next boat. As a Staten Islander - catching the "next boat" is easy, catching the boat that you really wanted is the tough part.

Imagine that the non-rush #5's and late night #6 trains operated to South Ferry. Again there are 30 and 60 minute waits for the ferry. If I am on a #4 train and it has arrived at Bowling Green with 8 minutes to spare to get the boat, I will be walking to the ferry terminal. It would make no sense to wait at the Bowling Green station for a #5 or #6 train to go one stop - when that would mean a 30 or 60 minute wait for the next boat.

While I agree that the TA has the facilities and equipment to create a Ferry shuttle, and that it is a possibility after the new terminal opens. I would prefer it if those stations were inter-connected so that there is an "all-weather" passageway to the Bowling Green station.

Just my thoughts.


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