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Posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Apr 27 14:52:12 2007, in response to Re: WOODHAVEN STATION LIRR, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Tue Apr 24 12:28:29 2007.

Do you really think the closing of Sutphin on the el would have increased ridership at the Woodhaven Station? I don't see the connection.
By the way, most of the people getting off the LIRR at Jamaica to get the subway walked to Hillside to get the E & F. I remember a steady stream of people walking from the LIRR to Hillside.
Of course I personally as a railfan would rather have taken the El. As unsafe as it was, I used to love riding between cars holding the holdbars all the way from Sutphin to Myrtle, where I would get off and take the old Q cars to Wyckoff and change for a BMT Standard on the LL to Manhattan.

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