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Re: No, The outer boros get service to the CBD (was: Re: Whining......)

Posted by J trainloco on Fri Apr 20 15:42:23 2007, in response to Re: No, The outer boros get shafted (was: Re: Whining......), posted by Edwards! on Fri Apr 20 04:32:58 2007.

Also..the ORIGINAL PLAN for 61st STREET had NOTHING to do with Queens...
WE are NOT talking about 61st...We are talking about the 76TH ST tunnel to Steinway/Broadway

Except that these 2 tunnels are both, for all practical purposes, the same project. There was NEVER a plan to build a 76th st tunnel AND a 61st street tunnel, IINM.

Also..63rd st was to be built to support a new cross Queens route TO THE CBD of MANHATTAN..not QUEENS.

Ah, Now you're point becomes clear. All of these projects improved service to Manhattan. Unfortunately, your point is pretty silly, IMO. By far, the most popular DESTINATION is the Borough of Manhattan, below 60th street. ALL of the projects you mentioned were to help people from the outer boroughs have better service to the location where everybody wants to go. Additionally, these projects, save for a few, did not benefit people who were already within the area of the CBD. So, who was this money spent on, truthfully? Who uses Chrystie, the 11th street cut and 63rd? PEOPLE FROM THE OUTER BOROUGHS! Now, if you want to complain that no money has been spent to extend service to areas that don't have it, then by all means, complain! You are correct! But, then again, Manhattan has not seen such an expansion for just as long a period of time.

Now, we get to the issue of current spending. I am all for expansion in Queens and Brooklyn (Particularly Queens, which I have stated numerous times). But, Is a Second Avenue subway more important? Absolutely. Not only to reduce crowding on Lex, but also to reduce street level crowding. Traffic on the East Side is a big contributor to pollution. I also like to think of 'cost/benefit'. The SAS has been projected to serve 400,000 riders daily. What new line in the outer boroughs would do that?

All this complaining about the outer boroughs not getting the bucks is baffling to me. Yes, expansions were made to expand service to the CBD, but THIS IS WHERE PEOPLE WANT TO GO! By your estimation, the outer boroughs would have benefitted more from another crosstown line, which I'm hard pressed to believe.

All of these routes proposals that were built either was a direct connection or a branch of the UNBUILT SECOND AVENUE LINE..
Even IF the line ITSELF wasn't constructed due to whatever means the TA did..it STILL was for MANHATTAN SERVICE.

Because that's where people want to go!

You don't see the LIRR building a cross-Island route.

You can come better than that..give it a try by drawing up your OWN listing.

Why? Every project you listed benefitted people from the outer boroughs.


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