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Re: LIRR East Side Access

Posted by WillD on Mon May 22 19:31:09 2006, in response to Re: LIRR East Side Access, posted by Olog-hai on Mon May 22 18:57:26 2006.

All current work by the ARC folks indicates we'll get "ARC Alternative P2" which calls for the new two track tunnel under the Hudson, the 8 track, two cavern terminal under 34th St, and also a connection between the new Hudson tubes and the existing NYP platforms. You can see this below:

The ARC tunnels would not merely serve the 8 terminal tracks, but would, with the connection to NYP, allow better utilization of NYP tracks 1-10 or so by NJT trains. During peak hours those tracks, especially the stub ended 1-4 can create delays and are largely underutilized by NJT. This is of course bad news for folks who want to see MN into NYP, since when ARC is completed they'll pretty much be wringing as much capacity from NYP as possible at that point.


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