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Re: LIRR East Side Access

Posted by WillD on Mon May 22 20:26:53 2006, in response to Re: LIRR East Side Access, posted by Olog-hai on Mon May 22 19:35:30 2006.

Probably a diversity of terminals. After all, why not just have NJT construct a massive 30 track terminal and accompanying six track tunnel around NYP to eliminate Hoboken and consolidate operations there? Why would we want NJT to have a Lower Manhattan or Grand Central area terminal? There's probably more than a few folks who work around Penn Station but schlep over to GCT every day because their homes happen to be in Westchester and they're unwilling to move the family onto LI or into NJ so they can have a commute into NYP. Rather than move themselves to the mountain they'd much rather the mountain come to them in the form of Metro North service to Penn Station. Sure it's somewhat illogical from a technical standpoint, but what's the point of state control of all these transit agencies if they're going to retain the same provincial outlook on commuter service as their competing ancestors?

And GCT doesn't quite have the capacity most folks make it out to have. They're running the four tracks asymetrically during rush hour, and the only way they can maintain that kind of operation is to store many trains on the platforms at GCT. The ESA Upper Level Loop Analysis makes it clear that any reduction of MN's platform space at GCT would have deleterious effects on their rush hour capacity. LIRR has 28 or so tracks in the West Side yard, and NJT shares more than thirty tracks at Sunnyside with Amtrak, and outside of tracks 1 to 4 in NYP no train has to reverse off it's track inside NYP. Despite having fewer platforms it likely has higher throughput thanks to those yards.


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