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Re: LIRR East Side Access

Posted by Broadway Lion on Mon May 22 10:34:57 2006, in response to Re: LIRR East Side Access, posted by J trainloco on Mon May 22 01:33:07 2006.


We're likely 10 years away from ESA. Between now and then, MTA could make any number of decisions about MNRR service into Penn. You are making it seem like it is impossible under any circumstances.

Correct. In those ten years LIRR business will also increase, and they will still require every slot they can get in NYP. NJT wants more slots too. Maybe AMTK will wither and die in those ten years, in which case NJT will take over most of those slots. Conceiveably, if AMTK went belly (or other parts) up, then MNRR may assume those assets and routes, and bring Empire Service into NYP. But I wouldn't hold my breath on that.

FACE IT: Both NYP and GCT are *FULL*. That is why LIRR is building new platforms (which happen to be at GCT). That is why NJT wants to build new tunnels (and platforms) in Manhattan.

And GUESS WHAT: IT DOESN't MATTER to LIRR, NJT or MNRR *where* in Manhattan they discharge their customers: Most of them will need to connect with a subway to their final destination anyway.

So foget about a one seat ride from your home to your job. THAT does not happen in the real world.

Oh sure, of course when I worked on 31st street, I was right across from NYP, but really, how many people can actually work right on 31st Street?



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