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Re: Report of R train taken for joyride today

Posted by Bill West on Sat Feb 1 02:27:54 2025, in response to Re: Report of R train taken for joyride today, posted by zac on Thu Jan 30 19:09:04 2025.

Best practice in office environments is nothing to do with the practicalities of doing them in transportation environments.

I have a 50+years experience estimating technology, its costs and most importantly its realities. Wishful thinking from the sidelines does not overrule experienced reality.

Real time clocks -putting clocks in hundreds of fixed stations does not compare to putting private communication into thousands of moving subway cars

You sound like you are reading online magazines/discussions/youtube and reasoning from the words in them. Try reasoning from the real world facts behind those words. IE describe the hardware needed, estimate (not guess) the costs. What's the time and manpower needed? How would the cost be justified up the line in a business that loses money heavily.

I wired the internet in my house 25 years ago, DSL splitter, separate wiring to the modem, etc. Did you do that in that era? And when equipment aging or changes affect my service, I'm the tech support.



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