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Re: [PHOTOS] R-46 - Part 1

Posted by randyo on Fri Jan 14 00:02:35 2022, in response to Re: [PHOTOS] R-46 - Part 1, posted by Bill Newkirk on Thu Jan 13 11:33:43 2022.

You condemn the NYCT’s “cookie cutter”fleet yet in the early days of the BRT, and IRT most of the cars were close enough to each other in appearance that to the average passenger, they were the same type of car. While it is true that the various contracts of BMT steels had a few minor differences like roofs and signs, they were still basically a single type of car and remained so till the D types came along. As for the IRT even taking into consideration the deck roof Hi-Vs and the small group of World’s fair Steinways, almost all the IRT cars looked alike to the average person. The same or even more so of the IND which had almost completely identical cars from the R-1s through the R-9s and kept that same appearance till the R-10s came in after WWII.

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