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Re: The Newest Additions - R36WF cars 9586-9587

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sat May 17 21:06:47 2014, in response to The Newest Additions - R36WF cars 9586-9587, posted by Mysterious Friday 1986 on Fri May 16 21:35:05 2014.

Great pictures of great cars. Thanks for sharing. When the R 62a started to show up on the Flushing Line, I was a once a week rider there & I did a little unofficial comparing. The R-36 was peppier, smoother riding & MUCH smother braking than the R-62a s. R-36 was much brighter with its interior lighting. The 62a s seem to bog down quite noticeably on the Steinway hill comming into Vernon Jackson with a rush hr load.

The Flushing Line is not an easy run. With its sharp curves, steep grades & track that always seemed to be in rough shape, the R-33/36s seemed to get it done, quite easily. Till the end, they were good runners. It was the bodyrot that did them in.

The R-33 & R-36WF cars..St Louis Car's finest product & Coney Island & Morrison Knudson finest rebuilds! IMO of course.


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