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Re: end of bar cars on new Haven

Posted by Terrapin Station on Thu May 8 10:39:22 2014, in response to Re: end of bar cars on new Haven, posted by Charles G on Wed May 7 18:21:04 2014.

I didn't say I believe that. I was questioning the apples to oranges comparison being used by Dutch and several newspaper articles to conclude that bar carts are much more effective than bar cars.

As to your analysis, I have a few comments.

1. Many people arrive at the train at the last minute (let's say the last 6 minutes). They may be more likely to make an onboard purchase since that allows then to first secure a desirable seating position. Having to wait in line or simply make a purchase on the platform means there will be fewer desirable seats available, especially in the last say six minutes before departure.

2. It's possible that maybe the average bar car purchase is of a higher dollar amount than at bar carts.

3. Looking at the total figures that were provided, and considering how many more bar carts there are and how many more hours they are open, if bar carts were really that much more effective, then I would expect the results to be even more skewed than they already are.

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