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Re: end of bar cars on new Haven

Posted by Charles G on Wed May 7 18:21:04 2014, in response to Re: end of bar cars on new Haven, posted by Terrapin Station on Wed May 7 14:31:39 2014.

While the bar carts in total make much more money, it has not yet been shown that they also make more money on a per employee/location per hour of sales operation basis.

Am I reading you incorrectly? It seems that you believe the bar cars would make more on a per employee/location basis than the bar carts would.

That would be a very surprising and counter-intuitive result. Put yourself in the role of a small businessman. MNR gives you a choice.

Option 1 -- You can have a car to yourself for two hours on the 5:45 Grand Central to New Haven and sell to a captive audience of 100-125 people at the start of the trip that will dwindle to perhaps a few dozen for the last 30 minutes.

Option 2 -- You can have a cart in between two platforms. The customers accessing 4 tracks will need to walk within 10 yards of your stand. Over the two hour period from 5:30 to 7:30 you will have somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 passing within 10 yards of your stand (figure four trains per track in that time period, 500 or so people per train).

Do you have to think more than 10 seconds before choosing the cart?

Now think about it from the MNR perspective. They already have both bar cars and bar carts -- but the bar cars actually cannibalize sales from the bar carts. If they didn't have bar cars, the customers would just buy from the bar carts as they got on the train -- even further improving the per employee/location metrics of the bar carts.


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