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Re: A Little Perspective Of Things.....Re: Report: Rockefeller was asleep at the throttle

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Dec 3 19:42:43 2013, in response to A Little Perspective Of Things.....Re: Report: Rockefeller was asleep at the throttle, posted by Train Man Paul : Metro-North's Best Conductor FOR ALL 3 LINES!!! on Tue Dec 3 17:10:18 2013.

Your point is well taken but would be more genuine if you also mentioned the so called experts here who were so eager to blame the equipment and or maintenance without any facts at all.

I remember the Williamsburg Bridge incident quite clearly. Before the dust had settled, one of my closest friends, who was in charge of the maintenance of those cars, was up on the bridge, watching as the brake valve and trip cocks were removed from the involved car. Waiting until the pneumatic shop did its best to get either device to fail or even to hiccup.

Good investigation of such incidents begins with no pre-conceived agendas but all investigators have hunches and intuition about such accidents. Yet they should leave no stone unturned. I'm sorry that your friend finds himself in the situation that he's in but 4 people are dead and 60 more were hurt and the evidence will go where it goes, the cause will be found and blame will be fixed and apportioned. Hopefully but doubtfully, this will be the last time we discuss such events.


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