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Retread PHOTOS: J/Zmaica El Westbound

Posted by Jersey Mike on Wed Jul 3 23:25:15 2013

In 2007, while on an exciting trip to Albany, I took a combination excursion to Mineola on the LIRR and finished that off with a ride from Jamaica to Manhattan on the still R40/42 equipped J/Z. At the time my photo set emphasized the signaling on the Jamaica EL and basically ignored the R40/R42 trains which I couldn't tell apart and I figured were as common as dirt anyway and didn't need any special coverage. 6 years later I realized my mistake and when re-posting the photos to my rail adventure blog I made some edits to give better emphasis to what was important. Because I am also having some problems with my normal photo hosting service I figured it was worth dusting these photos off for another go as these now use Picasa.

 Like I said this is Part 2 of my 2007 Columbus Day weekend trip to Albany via Mineola and the J/Z. In Part 1 I showed off my photos from the LIRR's Mineola Station and interlocking, here I will show photos from my Railfan Window enabled survey of the Jamaica EL.  Because the NYCTA is foolishly scrapping its American Built, railfan
window equipped rolling stock after ONLY 40 years, I had to document
the J/Z Service before it was ruined for good.

Once again you can find the full set of pics at:


Now for the conclusion of my trip to Long Island.

Outbound J-Train of R40/42's heading over the LIRR Montauk Branch on the Jamaica El.

Bulb lit GT's at Crescent Street.

Approach Medium at the 432 signal at Broadway Junction.

Ramps and R40/2's abound as we pass another Approach Medium on the 380 signal at Broadway Jct.

Single slip switch ladder at Bway Jct.

Was this ever an active tower? West end of Broadway Jct.

Outbound J-Train local R40/42 trainset at Halsey.

We're going express! Diverging Clear at Myrtle Ave.

Lined for the express track over the single slip switches with an R40/42 pulling out at Myrtle Ave. Photos like this is why the loss of the Railfan Window will be so devastating.

Wider view, less blurry including tower.

Video from the express run as my train passes an outbound R40/42 M local.

Back to the local track, diverging clear at Marcy.

GT signal, Marcy Tower, the famous HSBC Dome and some non-railfanservice.

Ok ok, here's a clean shot ;-)

R40/42 J-Train on the Willy B approach.

 Heading up the ramp to the Willy B. Ouch, that traffic looks nasty. Despite the rumors, the Willy B has NOT fallen down.

Willy B plaque, someone needs to clean off that graffiti.

Signals askew on the Willy B.

Didn't this used to be open air here? And what's with all the timer signals. Can't the NYCTA trust its drivers to be professional and not overspeed the trains?

Anyway, after this I was back underground and picture time was over. Let me leave you with a shot of the improvised cantilever signal at CP-125 on the Hudson Line from my resumed Trip to Albany.

 And a video from my train taking a diverging route through CP-75 which marks the transition between Metro-North and Amtrak territory.

Well I hope you enjoyed and just because my photo host has flaked out you'll never stop Jersey Mike. Have no fears I have photos for years...like...train operators are replaced by robots, maybe the Subway gets cell phone service...has Chuchubob ever owned a private car? How about a crazy excursion...where something happens do-do do-do-do. Sorry for the clip show! Have no fears, I've got photos for years!


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