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Re: Oddities in an early 1940s Subway Map

Posted by Wayne-MrSlantR40 on Sat Nov 13 21:49:53 2010, in response to Re: Oddities in an early 1940s Subway Map, posted by gbs on Sat Nov 13 03:07:58 2010.

And Red - 23rd-Ely, Purple - Queens Plaza; Red -47/50 and 5th Ave (53rd), Purple (7th Ave) as well.
The original color chart of IND lines (pg.51, Subway Style and property of the Transit Museum) shows this error as well - red (Rockaway) followed by blue then by purple. The color specified for these stations, including Broadway Junction is actually the lighter two-tone blue found at the local stops. And the color for Grant is shown as the same purple as Euclid - NOT green. However - a pencil notation in the grid shows "Green SC" (Soldier Course) and a question mark to the right.
The tile at Broadway Junction AS very likely always blue from day one. It just appeared to be greenish due to the fact that under the incandescents, it absorbed the yellowish light (the center of the tile band is matte, so the light doesn't reflect much) and thus appeared to be dark green. A heavy coat of grime didn't help either.
I do suppose that the text of that article needs to be amended.

Regarding "indigo" blue at the local stops - the shade there is much lighter than indigo. Indigo is to blue as the funeral grape at Queens Plaza is to purple. The right shades are more like cornflower blue (just this side of ultramarine blue) (border) and blue lake or cerulean blue (centers). Very appealing, especially under the pinkish (warm) flourescent light.



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