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Re: Oddities in an early 1940s Subway Map

Posted by gbs on Tue Nov 16 01:18:40 2010, in response to Re: Oddities in an early 1940s Subway Map, posted by Randyo on Mon Nov 15 13:45:49 2010.

That's because there was no "orange" family in the original IND sequence:

purple, blue, green, yellow, red

Sometimes the yellow stations were yellowish-orange (like 145/8), which counted as the yellow in the sequence, and sometimes the red stations were red-orange (like 169/Hillside), which counted as the red in the sequence.

The closest you can come to both a dark yellow and a pure yellow nearby is the Union Tpke - Van Wyck Blvd - Sutphin Blvd series. They all count as the yellow between the green of 71-Continental and the red (well, red-orange) of Parsons.


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