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Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007

Who among us is old enough to remember when TV stations did not broadcast 24/7 and that most stations went off the air at about 1 or 2 a.m.? There would be a farewell message, the national anthem and then snow. At some point, a test pattern would come on, accompanied by a high-pitched noise and would stay on until the station came back on the air at about 5 or 6 a.m.

I remember when I was a kid in the early '70s, I would wake up early on summer mornings and try to watch TV, only to see nothing on.

Imagine stations playing the National Anthem today! Lawsuits galore, I'd wager.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 9 07:04:00 2007, in response to Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007.

you're old

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by SUBWAYSURF on Tue Oct 9 07:09:15 2007, in response to Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007.


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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by SUBWAYSURF on Tue Oct 9 07:10:11 2007, in response to Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007.


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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by monorail on Tue Oct 9 07:13:59 2007, in response to Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007.

I enjoyed the snow

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 9 07:17:27 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by SUBWAYSURF on Tue Oct 9 07:10:11 2007.


If ur gonna post twice, at least give us some variety, k?

your pal,

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 9 07:18:56 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 9 07:17:27 2007.

That's probably asking too much.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 9 07:21:17 2007, in response to Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007.

Test patterns. I remember when TV first broadcast 24 hours; they showed movies. The TV listings were funny, too. When there was a shortage of product, there would be a listing called "See For Yourself". For the longest time I thought that was the name of a show :D

your pal,

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by SUBWAYSURF on Tue Oct 9 07:21:46 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 9 07:17:27 2007.


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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Tue Oct 9 07:51:40 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 9 07:04:00 2007.

I hate to admit it, but I remember that too....but then again, some stations like Channel 7 still did that as late as 1985 or so. It's not "that" long ago....

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Tue Oct 9 07:53:22 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 9 07:21:17 2007.

Don't feel bad, I used to think "To Be Announced" was the name of a TV show........

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by BMTLines on Tue Oct 9 08:15:16 2007, in response to Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007.

Now they just fill the time with infomercials :-(

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by AMoreira81 on Tue Oct 9 08:16:37 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 9 07:04:00 2007.

Not that old...it continued into the early 1990s, but IINM, the test pattern didn't go the entire night, but rather, no signal was broadcast.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by AMoreira81 on Tue Oct 9 08:19:17 2007, in response to Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007.

This was the case even here to about 1993 or possibly a few years later...but mostly on the UHF airwaves and WNET (WNET on Monday mornings only).

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by monorail on Tue Oct 9 09:20:47 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Tue Oct 9 07:53:22 2007.

makes 2 of us

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by monorail on Tue Oct 9 09:21:30 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by BMTLines on Tue Oct 9 08:15:16 2007.

snow was more interesting

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by orange blossom special on Tue Oct 9 09:30:04 2007, in response to Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007.

National Anthem? Reminds me of just what I was saying about the Declaration.

TV Stations go off the air. Look at any TV LIsting. It's all Paid Programming. Except for a few decent cable channels. But mostly Paid Programming.
The stations get paid to shut down. The only people watching that are ones who can't sleep, or have the flu or something.

Remember when stores used to have normal operating times on Sundays? And were closed Thanksgiving and Christmas?
That was a simplier time...5 years ago.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by EE | Broadway Local on Tue Oct 9 09:32:17 2007, in response to Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007.

I remember when WNYC Channel 31 didn't sign on until 2pm and WOR Channel 9 didn't sign on until 9am. Joe Franklin was WOR's final program for the day. WCBS Channel 2 was the only 24 hour station.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by EE | Broadway Local on Tue Oct 9 10:09:55 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by orange blossom special on Tue Oct 9 09:30:04 2007.

Remember when F.W. Woolworth and W.T. Grant were everywhere? And when it was New Jersey Bell with area codes 201 and 609?

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Re: Remember Subchat Test Patterns?

Posted by metropod on Tue Oct 9 10:15:58 2007, in response to Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 10:26:11 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 9 07:04:00 2007.

Someone once said that you know you're getting old when your high school classmates become grandparents.

Well, the 19 year old daughter of a HS classmate of mine just got engaged, so it won't be long before I'm officially old.

Hey, what's the alternative?

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by busdude2 on Tue Oct 9 10:33:25 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 10:26:11 2007.

You sound like my age my daughter just turned 19. The years go by fast.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by busdude2 on Tue Oct 9 10:34:53 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by busdude2 on Tue Oct 9 10:33:25 2007.

And on top of that today is my 25th wedding anniversary how could I forget that.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 10:42:39 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by busdude2 on Tue Oct 9 10:33:25 2007.

I'm 42, but I had my kids later in life. I have a 5 year old, a 3 year old, a 2 year old and we're expecting #4 next spring. My friend is 43 and his daughter isn't his oldest - he has a 21 year old son.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 9 19:38:31 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 10:42:39 2007.


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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 20:01:33 2007, in response to Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007.

I guess I'm even older than the rest of youse ...

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by BIE on Tue Oct 9 20:08:58 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 20:01:33 2007.

Was that some experimental color station fron the '50s?

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 20:12:19 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by BIE on Tue Oct 9 20:08:58 2007.

1948. Goldmark/CBS-like standard ... "What goes up, must come down ... spinning wheel, gotta go round." :)

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by BIE on Tue Oct 9 20:18:39 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 20:12:19 2007.

Leave it to DuMont- The BMT of television.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 20:25:09 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by BIE on Tue Oct 9 20:18:39 2007.

Even though Goldmark worked for CBS Labs, and the research was for Zenith, *onlhy* Allen B was willing to try to modulate it. Dumont was on channel 5 at the time. I believe this was done on channel 11 which was unoccupied at the time. But it was a demonstration for the FCC which was not impressed since Sarnoff (RCA/NBC) had the FCC in his pocket.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by bingbong on Tue Oct 9 20:25:13 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by SUBWAYSURF on Tue Oct 9 07:21:46 2007.

I guess my display is better than yours. Oooops. :)

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by BIE on Tue Oct 9 20:36:37 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 20:25:09 2007.

General sarnoff. WHAT A SCUMBAG.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by Karl B on Tue Oct 9 20:45:21 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 20:01:33 2007.

Kevin, did you ever listen to "The Lone Ranger" on radio?

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by Easy on Tue Oct 9 20:52:50 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 10:42:39 2007.

We're almost the same age. For some reason I thought that you were a few years older. Mainly because whenever you start one of those "remember when" threads I never recall the topic. I guess it turns out that I'm old like you, but just with a worse memory. :)

I definitely remember the test patterns although I haven't seen those for well over 20 years. Really since cable and infomercials. When I was a kid and old enough to stay up late on weekends I would usually stay up late enough to see the picture of the waving flag and the words: "This now concludes our broadcasting day..." followed by the test pattern. What a bummer that always was. But then I would also get up early enough to see the end of the test pattern and the first broadcast which after some waste of religious programming would come the cartoons.

And I don't know if you listen to R&B, but there's a song called Because I love you by Lenny Williams. One of the songs lyrics is "And I watched television until the television went off". Whenever I hear that I can't help but laugh.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 9 20:53:37 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Tue Oct 9 07:53:22 2007.

I think I also believed it was. A friend of mine used to think "Charter" was a very popular bus destination. He always wanted to go there.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by monorail on Tue Oct 9 20:55:51 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by EE | Broadway Local on Tue Oct 9 10:09:55 2007.


'Remember when F.W. Woolworth and W.T. Grant were everywhere?'

Those 2 were quite the pair...
Every time Woolworth had an erection and Grant gave in, it certainly made many headlines.....

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by JohnL on Tue Oct 9 20:55:53 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 20:01:33 2007.

I’m old too! British viewers remember this:

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Oct 9 20:58:17 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by EE | Broadway Local on Tue Oct 9 10:09:55 2007.

Remember when A&P was everywhere?

Remember no area codes?

Remember zone numbers prior to zip codes?

I even remember when rural areas in upstate NY had only six digits (actually a two letter extension followed by four numbers) and an operator would come on the line to place the call.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by JohnL on Tue Oct 9 21:02:44 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by JohnL on Tue Oct 9 20:55:53 2007.

Or for more memories, see this page, which has recreated animated idents.

My favorite is the BBC schools 2-minute warning. My school never used the BBC programs, but I saw them every once in a while when I was home sick.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 21:02:59 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by BIE on Tue Oct 9 20:36:37 2007.

BTW, did a bit of checking ... it was 1950 when KE2XDR lit up on UFO channel 15 ... and yeah, Sarnoff *was* a prick but the signal corps loved him.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 21:06:19 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Karl B on Tue Oct 9 20:45:21 2007.

Heh. I didn't much care for it, but yes I did. Interesting side note - when WFTI-TV54 went on the air in Poughkeepsie, NY in 1980, we OWNED the film library for the Lone Ranger series which ran right before my evening newscasts on weekdays. We actually ran the FILM through RCA TP-66 telecine projectors ... dunno what happened to them after the station went bankrupt and became WTBY, but we had the entire set plus a bunch of other Republic pictures films ...

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by BIE on Tue Oct 9 21:09:32 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 21:02:59 2007.

He sure RAPED Philo Farnsworth.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 21:10:55 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by JohnL on Tue Oct 9 20:55:53 2007.

Feh ... you're a young lad ... THIS is the proper chart! :)

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 21:13:56 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by BIE on Tue Oct 9 21:09:32 2007.

He did DuMont as well ... "war is hell" ... but in the end, Sarnoff got his in a most poetic way ... defeated by the Japanese. :)

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by Dan Lawrence on Tue Oct 9 21:17:04 2007, in response to Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by Mitch45 on Tue Oct 9 06:59:23 2007.

In Baltimore, WMAR-TV (Channel 2) was owned by the Baltimore Sunpapers, and announced themselves as "Sunpapers Television, WMAR-TV, Channel 2, Baltimore.

Their sign off was scenes of Baltimore with "Maryland, my Maryland" (the State song) playing, followed by the test pattern.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by JohnL on Tue Oct 9 21:33:00 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 21:10:55 2007.

For historical purposes only. Never broadcast in production. On the other hand, Testcard F is an icon to those of a certain age.

And I’m thankful that the powers that be didn’t go with 405-line colour TV. Video quality of the monochrome service was horrible. 625-line PAL was much better.

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by JohnL on Tue Oct 9 21:39:24 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 20:12:19 2007.


Ironically, color-wheel TV was reinvented for Apollo TV transmissions from the moon!

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 21:41:18 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by JohnL on Tue Oct 9 21:33:00 2007.

Ah! Didn't know that ... knew about PAL and the abolition of 405 back in the 60's ... cheer up though, could still be the BAIRD system. :)

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 21:42:12 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by JohnL on Tue Oct 9 21:39:24 2007.

Bigger irony was that the contractor was RCA. :)

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Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?

Posted by JohnL on Tue Oct 9 21:46:11 2007, in response to Re: Remember TV Test Patterns?, posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Oct 9 21:41:18 2007.

I think that we can rest assured that a mechanical scanning system with 30 lines (curves?) would have been soon replaced.

But I do remember the early days of steam TV in the UK, when it was a big deal that the BBC introduced regional opt-outs. The technical breakthrough that allowed this was frequency synchronization across the nation, a non-trivial exercise when there were no quartz oscillators. Do you remember adjusting horizontal and vertical holds on your TV?

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