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Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by AlM on Fri Sep 20 00:25:01 2024

“The Jewish people would have a lot to do with a loss”

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by LuchAAA on Fri Sep 20 00:43:25 2024, in response to Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by AlM on Fri Sep 20 00:25:01 2024.


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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by Mitch45 on Fri Sep 20 00:53:34 2024, in response to Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by AlM on Fri Sep 20 00:25:01 2024.

Well, he’s right in a way. Most Jewish people vote Democratic . It’s a habitual thing, left over from their parents, who voted Democratic back when being a Democrat didn’t mean being a wacko. Only Orthodox Jews, a small percentage of American Jews, vote GOP.

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Trump holds ten-point lead over Harris with NY Jews: Siena College poll

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Sep 20 01:10:12 2024, in response to Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by AlM on Fri Sep 20 00:25:01 2024.

Presuming to speak for Jews, are you?

The Algemeiner

Trump Holds 10-Point Lead Over Harris With New York Jews, Poll Finds

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump holds a commanding lead over her Democratic opponent Kamala Harris among New York Jewish voters in the 2024 election, according to the latest Siena College poll.

The poll found that Jewish New Yorkers prefer Trump, who previously served as the 45th US president, over Harris, the current vice president, by a margin of 54 percent to 44 percent when including third-party candidates. If the US presidential election were held today and it was just a two-person race, the figures would only change slightly, with Trump beating Harris among Jewish voters in the Empire State by a margin of 54 percent to 46 percent.

Conducted from Sept. 11-16, the findings suggest that Trump has made significant inroads with the Jewish community.

Additional polling data from Siena indicates that Jewish voters are rapidly warming up to Trump as Election Day in the US inches closer. Trump led Harris 50 percent to 49 percent among Jewish New York voters in August, according to Siena College. In June, Jewish voters preferred then-presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden over Trump 52 percent to 46 percent.

Trump’s favorability among Jewish voters has also significantly increased in recent months, according to the polling data. In July, 44 percent of Jewish voters indicated a “favorable” view of Trump and 52 percent indicated an “unfavorable” view of the former president. That number has surged since then, with 52 percent of Jewish voters revealing a “favorable” view of Trump and 48 percent revealing an “unfavorable” view of the Republican nominee in the latest poll.

The poll represents the latest indication that at least some Jewish voters could be fleeing the Democratic Party, potentially over frustrations stemming from the Biden administration’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war and surging antisemitism within traditionally-liberal institutions.

The data also indicates that Harris possesses notably weaker support among New York Jews than Biden, potentially suggesting dissatisfaction over the vice president’s positions on Israel or a lack of trust that she will forcefully defend the Jewish state’s interests.

Trump has made numerous overtures to the Jewish community in recent months, attempting to win over a significant share of the traditionally-liberal voting bloc. He has delivered speeches at various events catered toward the Jewish community, including the Republican Jewish Coalition. The former president also co-hosted an event focusing on antisemitism at his Trump National Golf Club Bedminster alongside prominent Jewish donor Miriam Adelson.

The former president has touted his former administration’s support for Israel as a centerpiece of his 2024 campaign. During his single term in office, Trump recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, a strategic region on Israel’s northern border previously controlled by Syria. He also moved the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, recognizing the city as the Jewish state’s capital. The Trump administration also helped to broker the Abraham Accords, which normalized Israel’s relations with four Arab countries in 2020.

Evidence of Trump’s success in wooing Jewish voters has been replicated by other polls. A July survey conducted by pollster Richard Baris showed that Jewish voters nationally prefer Harris over Trump by a margin of 52.7 percent to 45.9 percent.

However, a poll commissioned by the Jewish Democratic Council of America released earlier this month found that 72 percent of Jewish Americans plan on casting a ballot for Harris and 25 percent are poised to do the same for Trump.

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by randyo on Fri Sep 20 02:05:39 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by Mitch45 on Fri Sep 20 00:53:34 2024.

In the old days, most Irish and Irish-Americans also voted Democrat. If you lived in the South Bronx, Woodside, or ParkSlope, and were even remotely Irish, you had better be a Democrat or at least keep quiet about it if you were Republican. In recent years, that has changed and many Irish and Irish-Americans are now staunchly Republican. When a friend of mine who immigrated from Dublin became a US citizen, on his first election day he voted straight Republican.

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 02:14:31 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by Mitch45 on Fri Sep 20 00:53:34 2024.

Guess that the best you could ever offer, being "a Jew in all".
You seem to have a pretty good handle on what Jews want,or need.

Tell you what,Mitch.
Since you know Jews so well, I would definitely love for you to talk to my neighbor, and very good friend.
She's a Republican,hates the Current version of the Trump enabling GOP, and said she would never support 'that fucker racist criminal"

Think You could change her mind?
She's Pretty intelligent, too.
So you won't be able to gaslight her with bullshit, Company Tag Lines, Cultural nonsense, or any Maga foolishness.

Hell, you " people " can't convince Me,God knows You've tried.
So let's hear your pitch, Mitchell.
Let's have your Spin..

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance?

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Sep 20 04:09:18 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by Mitch45 on Fri Sep 20 00:53:34 2024.

You're jumping the gun. Do yourself a favor and read this first.

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Re: Trump blames…??

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Sep 20 04:10:32 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by randyo on Fri Sep 20 02:05:39 2024.

Bet he was happy to get out of a Dublin that was ruined by both Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael who are just EUSSR stooges.

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by Mitch45 on Fri Sep 20 05:22:55 2024, in response to Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by AlM on Fri Sep 20 00:25:01 2024.

Well, he’s right in a way. Most Jewish people vote Democratic . It’s a habitual thing, left over from their parents, who voted Democratic back when being a Democrat didn’t mean being a wacko. Only Orthodox Jews, a small percentage of American Jews, vote GOP.

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by 3-9 on Fri Sep 20 06:24:46 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by Edwards! on Fri Sep 20 02:14:31 2024.


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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by mtk52983 on Fri Sep 20 07:07:18 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by Mitch45 on Fri Sep 20 05:22:55 2024.

If you ask some, Democrat always meant being a wacko. The Jewish being Democrat is more an outgrowth of the Republicans being the party of the “elite” and the Jewish immigrants of the early 20th Century being part of the “progressives” fighting for better working conditions, unions, etc. It is still that way because of the Civil Rights movement/“Southern Strategy” and the Republicans supporting those who want the United States to be a Christian Fundamentalist state. American Jews tend to have an expansive reading of Exodus Chapters 22, 23, Leviticus 19, Deuteronomy 16, etc. and so tend to be more socially liberal. Israel and the rise of overt Antisemitism being accepted in the norm of the Democratic Party are changing that though.

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by LuchAAA on Fri Sep 20 13:12:46 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by randyo on Fri Sep 20 02:05:39 2024.

If the Irish are Republican, Massachusetts would not be solid blue for so many decades.

Comedian Kathy Griffin is a snap shot of how Irish-Catholic women in the US feel about Republicans.

The men are different. They are not as dedicated to Democrats.

Overall the Irish-Catholic community is socially conservative even though they lean Democrat.

Don't forget Planned Parenthood but that started a long time ago. It was founded by Irish-Catholic women.

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by LuchAAA on Fri Sep 20 13:16:49 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by LuchAAA on Fri Sep 20 13:12:46 2024.

Forgot to say, just about every Irish-Catholic woman I know is a leftist. They are proud Democrats and their Facebook is filled with shit about politics supporting Democrats.

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by Train Dude on Fri Sep 20 13:18:05 2024, in response to Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by AlM on Fri Sep 20 00:25:01 2024.

Kamala harris is an avowed anti-Semite

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Fri Sep 20 13:26:26 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by 3-9 on Fri Sep 20 06:24:46 2024.

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Sep 20 13:32:06 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by LuchAAA on Fri Sep 20 13:16:49 2024.

They're salty because their men have smal peepees!!

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Fri Sep 20 14:25:55 2024, in response to Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by AlM on Fri Sep 20 00:25:01 2024.

LoL, it's like a drinking game. Guess what the press will day 2 days before Trump's speech, then listen to the speech, and watch how quickly the fake news is "published".

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Re: Trump holds ten-point lead over Harris with NY Jews: Siena College poll

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Sep 20 14:33:06 2024, in response to Trump holds ten-point lead over Harris with NY Jews: Siena College poll, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Sep 20 01:10:12 2024.


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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by 3-9 on Fri Sep 20 16:52:35 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by chicagoMotorman on Fri Sep 20 13:26:26 2024.

No way, you earned that title all on your own.

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Fri Sep 20 17:36:34 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by 3-9 on Fri Sep 20 16:52:35 2024.

I don't kiss no one's ass. But this post proves you certainly do.

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by 3-9 on Fri Sep 20 17:42:23 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by chicagoMotorman on Fri Sep 20 17:36:34 2024.

I don't have enough time to list all your posts in the past week.

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Fri Sep 20 18:52:11 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by 3-9 on Fri Sep 20 17:42:23 2024.

Oh but edward's racist posts are ok huh?

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by 3-9 on Fri Sep 20 22:59:23 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by chicagoMotorman on Fri Sep 20 18:52:11 2024.

Did I ever say they were?

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Re: Trump holds ten-point lead over Harris with NY Jews: Siena College poll

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Sep 20 23:18:44 2024, in response to Trump holds ten-point lead over Harris with NY Jews: Siena College poll, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Sep 20 01:10:12 2024.

Maybe state, but certainly not city.

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Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Sat Sep 21 07:06:35 2024, in response to Re: Trump blames Jews, in advance, posted by 3-9 on Fri Sep 20 22:59:23 2024.

Well you must since you kissed his ass.

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