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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jul 28 03:36:22 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by AlM on Sun Jul 28 03:11:03 2024.

Do you know what Trump does that I dislike?

Purposely mispronounces names, like Kamala Harris.

He pronounces it like the professional wrestler Kamala.

There are many reasons why he should not do this anymore but he won't stop.

Trump actually has a background in professional wrestling where it's done all the time.

Jesse Ventura used to call his rival Ivan Putski, "Ivan Puhduski". Roddy Piper called Jimmy Snuka, "Jimmy Shnooka".

It's great on WWE but Trump should stop it now.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 13:53:44 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Edwards! on Sat Jul 27 22:54:56 2024.

There are other people who feel that the Democrat's policies are failed policies. There are other people who are sick of being taxed to death. There are people who are sick of crime and want the police "uncuffed" to do their jobs.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 13:58:41 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jul 28 03:36:22 2024.

That's the ONLY way I pronounce it!

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by AlM on Sun Jul 28 14:19:15 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 13:53:44 2024.

There are other people who are sick of being taxed to death.

The Trump tax cuts of 2017 remain in effect. Biden and Harris have promised to retain those cuts for middle income people.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 14:48:54 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by AlM on Sun Jul 28 14:19:15 2024.

Downticket Democrats are taxhungry

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jul 28 15:07:30 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 13:58:41 2024.

Trump should stop and take a serious presidential approach to the election.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by AlM on Sun Jul 28 15:14:56 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 14:48:54 2024.

So vote for Harris now and don't vote for Adams next time.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 15:16:43 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jul 28 15:07:30 2024.

He's not pronouncing it wrong, per se. I guess there's more than one way to say it.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 15:19:35 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by AlM on Sun Jul 28 15:14:56 2024.

I won't vote for either.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed?

Posted by Olog-hai on Sun Jul 28 16:05:16 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jul 28 15:07:30 2024.

That's what all the RINOs said in 2016.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jul 28 16:43:48 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by LuchAAA on Sun Jul 28 15:07:30 2024.


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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by AlM on Sun Jul 28 16:58:44 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 15:19:35 2024.

OK, but you can't use taxes as an excuse for not voting for Harris.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 17:02:52 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by 3-9 on Sat Jul 27 01:33:40 2024.

The man actually said that
" You vote once, and forget about it...In four years , you will never have to vote again, never again.."
What is that saying to You?
Right out of his 2025 playbook.

For the life of me, I still can't understand why there's so many people still supporting this man, when it's pretty clear what he wants to do.

Has society become so Stupid, and malignant,that they are willing to listen to this man, without doing the research about people JUST LIKE HIM...And what they did to their own country?

Denying REALITY, throwing away common sense, because They believe Trump is no threat to THEM?

How stupid can you be?
HE only cares about his "friends", who are rich, wealthy and connected.

Yeah, I know.
Not all of his supporters are stupid.
Some are bigots, racist.. greedy.
They think Trumps government will work for Them because of one particular thing the Maggots are pushing.

Throw common sense out the window.
Throw logic out the window.
Believe in the compulsive old criminal,who lies like a rug.
Believe the man who outright publicly accused his competitor of committing crimes, shouldn't be allowed to run for President.. while He himself IS A CONVICTED FELON, AWAITING SENTENCING.

I think not.
The Media , the cohorts within government, and his support system has eating everything up not so "nice about him" to humanize him.
To soften his rough around the edges, demeanor with a grandfatherly appeal.
The deception is real..

Folks need to stop the nonsense, and think about the future.
Those that are willing to throw away everything they worked for.. you go right ahead and stay with Ol Nick Scratch..
I'm sure hes going to work wonders for your pension, Social security, your Medicare..your medical coverage..

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 18:04:16 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 13:53:44 2024.

Uhh huh.
So,as we stand Now, the MAJORITY OF TAXES are being paid To the government by the upper middle class,mid,lower, and barely making it folks.

While there Are wealthy people paying taxes,no doubt, are they playing by the same rules We are?

Are you so sure that the "Democrats" are the only folks responsible for high taxes?
From what I understand,it was the Republicans that created the issue we are dealing with, and the Dems have been fighting to fix it ever since.

EVERYTIME the Republicans are in control of government,they SPEND MORE MONEY ON THINGS THAT BENEFIT THEIR "FRIENDS", using The old "Trickle Down Economy" rules..

Yet, nothing ever "trickles down".
Trump's policies added trillions of dollars to the nation debt, but none of the Republicans are willing to admit that.

I ESPECIALLY LOVE when You guys say those magic words..
"Are you better off today,than 4 years ago?"

A resounding YES should be the response!
4 years ago, COVID was running rampage all over the country, with Trump making the most embarrassing and empty promises ever.
His stupidity caused the death of over one million people, Alone.
His politics made people Dumber, especially when it came to PPEs..
The man made Medical recommendations to the entire country, knowing he is no doctor.
He fought with DOCTORS and the Medical professionals over COVID, and their guidelines!

Are We "better off"?


As far as law enforcement is concerned, you need to get real, and think about who you are talking to.

As a matter of fact, your entire post is complete nonsense and drivel...laced with nonsensical Maggots talking points.

If you were responding to someone who Didn't know better, they probably would go along with you..
You KNEW BETTER, but you made your statement anyway, not for Me,per say.. but for the maggots on this board.

Here's the lesson.
It doesn't take much to do effective research.
It doesn't take much to be informed.
It doesn't take much to harness sound Logic, and put it to use.

What irks me,is the fact that most Maggots are intelligent.


Fear is a strong motivator.
This is why Maggot uses FEAR as a Weapon against You.
They have weaponed FEAR of the "WHAT IF"..
Fear of "Being Replaced".
Fear of the damage they have done to different people coming back to do the same to them.
Fear of being subjected to the same hate and misery they have, and caused.

This is why they are attempting to remove History from books that tell Truth about their history.
Why they are gaslighting the system.
Why they have worked so hard telling so many lies.


Not Only that, but he Still has open cases pending in court f6 heinous crimes AGAINST THE VERY GOVERNMENT HE WANTS TO REPRESENT.

EVEN THE MEDIA,OWNED BY THE VERY PEOPLE WHO SUPPORT TRUMP AND HIS PLAN,are accomplices in his crimes,by burying "stories",down playing issues.. and flooding the airwaves with his propaganda!

Immediately, when Biden stepped down, the Maggots went into OVERDRIVE, WITH THE MOST BIGOTED, RACIST ATTACKS EVER. EVEN MORE THAN OBAMA...

THEY EVEN ATTEMPTED TO TELL THE DEMOCRATS THAT SHE COULDN'T RUN FOR PRESIDENT, even trying to introduce "articles of impeachment" against her.


This is Fear,naked and exposed.

Simply put, don't give me the Maggot company line.
You know better than that.
All of You do.

Bring your "A game".

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jul 28 18:15:31 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 17:02:52 2024.

"For the life of me, I still can't understand why there's so many people still supporting this man, when it's pretty clear what he wants to do."

Whatever you think he wants to do is of your own judgement, opinion and speculation, which in my opinion is way over the top.

You want Trump to go away? Fine. Get a strong Dem opponent with gravitas and a solid credible point by point platform (good luck with that) to convince fence sitter voters to vote for him/her.

Kamala Harris is not the one.

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Re: In four years, what Trump actually meant..

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 18:28:27 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by AlM on Sun Jul 28 16:58:44 2024.

It's The MAGGOT company line.
Also, he is fishing, for responses.

Realistically, I don't like her for her hatred of men.. Black men in particular.

However, she is the Best option out of the two supposed candidates.

I'd deal with her Anyday.. Trump the Rump is for the Birds..which is why he is the EX President.

Can you imagine the Hell we would be in,if he had Won the 2020 election?

COVID-19 would have killed thousands more, with him loving every moment of it.

We would be living in a state of utter chaos..

And to think, Maggots want him back, because they are too stupid,or Racist,or Bigoted to care about What he actually represents.

He means to do away with "elections", not FIX IT.
He plans,along with his think-tanks, to make Government his private playground.. where He is top dog.
A "King"..so to speak.
With muted "constitutional rights",his 'America' would fall in line with countries like North Korea, Russia and others with oppressive regimes.

This is Trump's true desire..all to escape Justice..
He KNOWS he is guilty of his crimes, and Will be convinced of said criminal acts.
Running for president,under his terms, he believes will shield him from those charges and eventual imprisonment.

It's plainly OBVIOUS to anyone with half a functional brain.

Can't see why it isn't clear for anyone else.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 18:38:44 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jul 28 18:15:31 2024.


This is Why Hassis is running Now.

A fantastic public speaker.

Will NOT HOLD BACK on Trump.

AGAIN, you are running the Company Line To ME, and You already Knew that I know better..
But That won't stop a pitifully desperate group of incredibly stupid people from gaslighting.

As much as I don't like her, I respect what she has to offer.
Trump brings NOTHING...but more of his brand of shit stuck to the bottom of my shoe..

You backing him, and trying to convince me to do the same speaks More about You,than me.

Bottom line,he's a fucking criminal,who should Not be "running for President".
He should be IN PRISON.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 18:49:19 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jul 28 18:15:31 2024.

Also, you might want to think about What you actually said.

Trump is a liar.
Well known liar.

His "so called skills" is nothing more than bullshit,smoke and mirrors, and more gaslighting.

He's doesn't know how to talk TO people..
He talks AT them.

And in most cases,he's so fucking high from Speed,that at times, you can barely understand him over his sluring.

On the Other hand, Harris is an excellent public speaker.

She actually TALKS to a group of people with compassion and concern.

She Listens to various concerns, and respect you.

Trump did none of these things,is a stinking smelly bully... and a coward at the same time.

So, You continue to be the bigoted puppet for a group of racist bitches..

I THINK... therefore I Am.

That makes Me better than You.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by 3-9 on Sun Jul 28 19:43:34 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 18:38:44 2024.


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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by 3-9 on Sun Jul 28 19:44:18 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 18:49:19 2024.


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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by AlM on Sun Jul 28 19:44:57 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jul 28 18:15:31 2024.

I thought your problem was that he was old and in cognitive decline.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jul 28 19:46:42 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by 3-9 on Sun Jul 28 19:43:34 2024.


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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jul 28 19:47:58 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jul 28 18:15:31 2024.

People don’t give a shit about a “point-by-point platform.”

Kamala Harris is it. 🥥 🌴

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jul 28 20:29:37 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jul 28 19:47:58 2024.

Sure, Kamala karma is different. Far more ruthless than Biden, whom she accused of racism in a 2020 debate, Ms. Harris will literally say anything and personally attack you if she is challenged. She is angry and determined to turn America into California.
Like when she reclassified shoplifting (prop 47) as in reducing felony thefts to misdemeanors, and the thief gets a desk disappearance ticket.
Or how about soliciting bail $$$ contributions for those arrested for torching police stations during the George Floyd riots?
Lets not forget her sending to jail many minorities for smoking pot while admitting she done so herself. Talk about hypocrisy?
Yep. Shes a Dems leftist dream alright.
But their bench is pretty lean so I guess they think she's the best they've got

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by AlM on Sun Jul 28 20:35:11 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jul 28 20:29:37 2024.

Ms. Harris will literally say anything and personally attack you if she is challenged.

Yeah, like no other candidates do that.

And you're saying that as a prosecutor she was both too liberal and too conservative at the same time? Maybe it's just that she followed the law?

And you oppose letting people who commit property crimes out on bail now?

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jul 28 20:37:29 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by AlM on Sun Jul 28 20:35:11 2024.

Thank you.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jul 28 20:48:33 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jul 28 20:29:37 2024.

California is the most prosperous state. Even per capita, only DC, NY, MA, and WA have a higher GDP/capita.

So who could possibly not want the country to be that? California is also expensive because it’s a premium product.

So now the party of “law and order” is complaining about a prosecutor actually doing her job and enforcing the law as written? Talk about hypocrisy.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by jimmymc25 on Sun Jul 28 20:58:51 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by 3-9 on Sun Jul 28 19:43:34 2024.


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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Sun Jul 28 21:06:44 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jul 28 20:29:37 2024.

"Lets not forget her sending to jail many minorities for smoking pot"

Isn't that what prosecutors supposed to do??

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Train Dude on Sun Jul 28 21:44:20 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Jeff Rosen on Sun Jul 28 21:06:44 2024.

How about sending innocent black men to jail on purjured testimony? Is that what prosecutors are also supposed to do?

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by 3-9 on Sun Jul 28 22:40:03 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jul 28 20:48:33 2024.

I'm surprised. Depending on which site you check, Texas is either pretty far down the list or pretty high up the list.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by 3-9 on Sun Jul 28 22:41:16 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jul 28 19:47:58 2024.


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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 22:45:28 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 18:04:16 2024.

You wrote a novel! You're not getting graded on this

All the other points you made don't interest or motivate me to respond, as it's repeated ad nauseum.

However, in regards to the police comments, people DO care about that. Remember, my response specifically said ",people", not "I" or "me". So, you go on this rambling diatribe about law enforcement, forgetting who YOU are talking to. Someone who was actually one. Not my brother, uncle, roommate, etc.. You never were, just like I never professionally drove a bud, so I would never try to "school" you on that.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 22:57:43 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jul 28 18:15:31 2024.

The Ugandan Giant begs to differ!

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jul 28 23:20:31 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by 3-9 on Sun Jul 28 22:40:03 2024.

I was looking at GDP/capita. Texas wasn’t even the highest red state. All of the highest red states were resource-rich states.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jul 28 23:20:47 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by 3-9 on Sun Jul 28 22:41:16 2024.


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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Jul 29 00:07:04 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Jul 28 20:29:37 2024.

Are you seriously using the "angry black woman" routine right now as a Talking Point?









A damn cuckold for a ancient ass pussybandit,who hurt far more people than ever helped...

You Can't "reason your way out" of Your bullshit.

Like I Said before.. Don't Come if you Ain't bringing your A Game.. cause I will walk all over YOU, using You Shit burger!

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Jul 29 00:18:12 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by AlM on Sun Jul 28 20:35:11 2024.

And There you have it.

Said politely, but the truth is in every bit of the statement you made.

I'm STILL wrapping my mind around the fact that this hustler was able to so thoroughly brainwashed so many people.

I mean,washed Rinsed and sundried!

Baked brains!

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Jul 29 00:28:39 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Spider-Pig on Sun Jul 28 20:48:33 2024.

And you have to wonder, what and Why the concern?

Most of the Repuke Red states are beggars.
While the so called blue states contribute far more than receiving back from the government.

The fact that the Repulsive Republicans have made this a thing is Telling.

They have Nothing.
No platform.
No real issues cause all they do is Create crisis,not solve them.

They are reactionary.. often twisting statements towards toxicity for their benefit.
They are mind polluters..
They are the absolute worst of the human condition, nothing consumers.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by AlM on Mon Jul 29 00:33:34 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Jeff Rosen on Sun Jul 28 21:06:44 2024.

Well, yeah, she enforced the law. She once explained, when she did something illiberal, that as a lawyer she was obliged to represent her client.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Jul 29 00:54:11 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 22:45:28 2024.

A "bud".

So, you were a cop.

But What does That have to do with Your Statement about "being uncuffed to do the job"?

Plainly speaking, I know Exactly What that means.
Remember,my family is DEEPLY involved in "law enforcement",as I've said.

On Both branches, the cops, And judicial.

So please don't give me the "walk a mile in my shoes" bit.

The fact remains, that the Law is the "LAW".
That applies to all of Us, including You.

The fact that You felt that You couldn't address situations in the manner You saw fit as an officer... well What are You Saying, exactly?

That you wanted to tune folks up?
Violate Civil rights,?

Fourth, fifth, first amendment rights out of the window?

Plant a bag of cocaine in a vehicle so you could bag the driver and passengers search the vehicle?

Rundown a perp,beat em down for making you run?
File a false report?
Frame folks?

Do warrant less searches?

Deny councel?
Interrogate for hours, deny 5th amendment rights to due process?

What laws did You want bent for You, so you could do YOUR JOB MORE EFFICIENTLY?

YOU know what I see, when I saw Your post?

A whining GATEKEEPER,who wanted to do More..

The thing about being able to write..is being consistent with your thoughts.
The Beginning, the Middle, and the End need to make sense.
Mean something.
A strong foundation, to build upon, is the Hallmark of Good writing.
Now Great writing requires investment.
Of Time, effort, effect and ability to be a weaver.
You place YOUR SELF IN EVERY WORD..with placing Self in EVERY WORD.


So you write like it matters, to You.

Think about that.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Mon Jul 29 08:47:05 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 18:49:19 2024.

Sure he lies. After all he's a politician. All politicians lie, except Biden of course, the bastion of honesty & sincerity in your mind right?.

As for high on speed? Thats a new one especially for a guy that never had so much as a beer in his life or so he says. I'm inclined to believe him.
Thats a far cry from Biden getting the occasional shot in the ass of Adderall (a recognized treatment for senility) & B12 before making public presentations. His performance at the state of the union address is a prime example of better living thru chemistry. How else could you explain why he refused to take a drug test. Something to hide Joe??
However he must have gotten a placebo shot at the Debate, which sealed his fate. But thats all moot now. They took the car keys away from grandpa

"I THINK... therefore I Am."

Thats something Harris will never be able to say, President of The United States.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Jul 29 10:43:24 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Mon Jul 29 08:47:05 2024.

Trump’s lies are legion. You can’t compare his level of lying to anyone else.

WTF? Why on Earth should the president be subjected to a drug test? There’s no evidence that he had any drugs before the SOTU.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Train Dude on Mon Jul 29 10:53:15 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Jul 29 10:43:24 2024.

There may be little evidence to support the suggestion that he's using but there's Plenty of evidence to suggest that he's profiting from the drug trade. That and coke being found in the whitehouse, not withstanding.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Jul 29 11:20:38 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Train Dude on Mon Jul 29 10:53:15 2024.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Mon Jul 29 11:35:04 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Edwards! on Mon Jul 29 00:54:11 2024.

Bro, I'm a retired guy sitting back, collecting a pension that is worth more than lots of people make as a yearly salary, so no, I don't want to "do more". And, like I said, I was talking about people in general, not myself.

However, let's address your "TV and Movie" points that you think police do.

I DID address situations as I saw fit. You have to be quick on your feet with decision making.

Nobody ever got hit that didn't first do something to warrant it. NEVER hit anyone who didn't put hands me or another person

I never violated anybody 1st, 4th, 5th Amendment rights, so that's false.

Plant a bag of cocaine in someone's vehicle? That's something right off of the silver screen. I, nor anyone I knew, never did any such thing. Besides, as a cop in the subways, what was I pulling over, the N train? However, the car stops I did were for VTL violations, not your Hollywood nonsense.

There was an "understanding" between the mopes and us. They knew the "rules of the game" and what would happen of you ran or put hands on us. EVERYONE knew it.

False report? Nonsense.

Frame people? More Hollywood nonsense

Warrantless searches? Nope! Only what was allowed by law.

Deny counsel? Nope!

Interrogate for hours? Not wasting my time . You just cool your heels in the cell until you talk. And everyone I took into custody did the crimes. No "fishing" expeditions.

Laws were meant to be broken, and a good cop of every rank finds the loopholes and "wiggle room".

And yes, you DO have to walk a mile in one's shoes before you can be an authority on it. I don't tell you how to drive a BUS (emphasis on the s, as I typed the wrong key last time), I don't tell you how to hate yourself, wish you were someone different, blobiate, etc... That's all you, my cracka!

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Train Dude on Mon Jul 29 12:41:28 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Jul 29 11:20:38 2024.

What is that picture of selkirk supposed to signify, little fella?

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Jul 29 14:04:59 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Train Dude on Mon Jul 29 10:53:15 2024.

Spin.. it's a fact that he has been using drugs for a substantial amount of time.

He is totally incontinent.
Has lost control of his bowels and urinary system.
Wears diapers.

Always smells like excrement.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Jul 29 14:29:51 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Mon Jul 29 08:47:05 2024.

This is sad to watch.

There is a saying that sums up what you are dealing with to the core.

You have been sent a Strong Delusion... given your self over to it blindly.

You have given "rope", that has run its course.
You have turned your back on common sense.
You have turned your back on decency.

You have turned into a advocate for the decadent.
A diabolical, using This platform to spread your Apostate condition.
A blind man, attempting to lead others into a living hell.

I personally don't place Any faith in politics,or politicians... but Because we have to deal with them, I deal accordingly.
However, there was never a time, that I sacrificed my self respect for one of them.

You have.. with total abandonment.
Pretty articulation of words, regardless, does Not help you.
It only shows the depths you are willing to go ,as a predator seeking a victim.


Dishonest, dishonored, a diabolical in nature.

Im done.

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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Mon Jul 29 15:04:36 2024, in response to In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by Kevin from Midwood on Fri Jul 26 23:03:41 2024.


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