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Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Jul 29 00:54:11 2024, in response to Re: In four years, our elections will be fixed, posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Jul 28 22:45:28 2024.

A "bud".

So, you were a cop.

But What does That have to do with Your Statement about "being uncuffed to do the job"?

Plainly speaking, I know Exactly What that means.
Remember,my family is DEEPLY involved in "law enforcement",as I've said.

On Both branches, the cops, And judicial.

So please don't give me the "walk a mile in my shoes" bit.

The fact remains, that the Law is the "LAW".
That applies to all of Us, including You.

The fact that You felt that You couldn't address situations in the manner You saw fit as an officer... well What are You Saying, exactly?

That you wanted to tune folks up?
Violate Civil rights,?

Fourth, fifth, first amendment rights out of the window?

Plant a bag of cocaine in a vehicle so you could bag the driver and passengers search the vehicle?

Rundown a perp,beat em down for making you run?
File a false report?
Frame folks?

Do warrant less searches?

Deny councel?
Interrogate for hours, deny 5th amendment rights to due process?

What laws did You want bent for You, so you could do YOUR JOB MORE EFFICIENTLY?

YOU know what I see, when I saw Your post?

A whining GATEKEEPER,who wanted to do More..

The thing about being able to write..is being consistent with your thoughts.
The Beginning, the Middle, and the End need to make sense.
Mean something.
A strong foundation, to build upon, is the Hallmark of Good writing.
Now Great writing requires investment.
Of Time, effort, effect and ability to be a weaver.
You place YOUR SELF IN EVERY WORD..with placing Self in EVERY WORD.


So you write like it matters, to You.

Think about that.


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