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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:17:19 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 21:07:39 2024.

NO!!!!!! If you heard the speech he was praising the guy who he thought was still the governor--Terry McAuliffe. It was on FOX, Newsmax and other conservative outlets. The Chinese News Network, MSNBC and other Marxist like channels tried to sanitize it. You might try to wean yourself away from those two socialist news stations.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:20:50 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jan 24 21:42:21 2024.

Well we agree totally on that Olag, but you need to get real on Trump. He has to present himself to all Americans when he is running for President because he need the majority of Independents, dissident Democrats and angry anti-Trump Republicans if he is to wipe out Biden this November. He can do it IF he alters the way he campaigns.....like insulting people he doesn't agree with and added less than complimentary terms to Republicans he disagrees with. The future of this country depends on him to do this because we cannot have four more years of the current leadership with the Obamas behind screen tilting the puppet.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 16:22:51 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:11:50 2024.

It’s SEVEN million votes.

You are delusional.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 16:24:24 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:17:19 2024.

I read about this on Fox News and it’s the only way I’ve heard of it.

Newsmax is not a news source.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 16:25:14 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:20:50 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jan 25 16:27:13 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:20:50 2024.

WHy is it ok for Buyden to insult people but not Trump? Have you seen a Buyden "rally" lately? They're getting the same protestors and shouting that occured at Trump's 4 years ago.
He made his stupid suicide joke again too as he always does. How is this ok??

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Chicagomotorman on Thu Jan 25 18:15:44 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:11:50 2024.

Allegedly lost.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Chicagomotorman on Thu Jan 25 18:17:36 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 16:22:51 2024.

And I guess that would make me more delusional, since I don't believe he even lost the election.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 18:17:49 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Chicagomotorman on Thu Jan 25 18:15:44 2024.

No, actually lost.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 18:18:24 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Chicagomotorman on Thu Jan 25 18:17:36 2024.

Yes, you are significantly delusional. No sense of the distinction between reality and fantasy.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 18:51:56 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:11:50 2024.

"TRUMP MUST alter the way he presents himself."
"He had better learn that fast."

I agree with you, but that will never happen. Trump is just getting warmed up. Hes like the Andrew Dice Clay of Republicans.
I hear he's already taking shots at Nikki's dress.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 25 18:57:30 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 18:51:56 2024.

I was listening to that blowhard asshole Mark Levin on the radio and he was ranting about Nikki Haley calling her a liar and every other negative word in the book, while agreeing with Trump's assessment of her. While I was for her before, now I'm definitely for her. Haley for President!!

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 25 18:58:15 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Chicagomotorman on Thu Jan 25 18:17:36 2024.

You aren't embarrassed to say that in public??

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 19:01:32 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jan 25 16:27:13 2024.

Its tolerated but not challenged because its conceded that Biden doesn't know what he's saying w/o index cards in front of him. Trump does w/o needing index cards

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 19:03:08 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Chicagomotorman on Thu Jan 25 18:17:36 2024.

since I don't believe he even lost the election.

But therefore he is ineligible to run again, since he's been elected twice.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 19:03:37 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 25 18:57:30 2024.

She has about as much chance of being elected president as you or I do.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 19:19:56 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 19:03:37 2024.

One TIA by Trump and her chances go through the roof.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Thu Jan 25 19:24:41 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 19:03:37 2024.

Doesn't mean she ain't the best person running for the job.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 19:31:34 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 19:19:56 2024.

As do Christe's and DeSantis

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 19:58:53 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 19:31:34 2024.

Not really. She's the clear number 2 at this point.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Thu Jan 25 20:18:24 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 19:01:32 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 20:24:24 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Thu Jan 25 19:58:53 2024.

No, that's Derek Jeter. The Voice of God affirms it.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 21:33:12 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu Jan 25 20:24:24 2024.

Bob Sheppard??

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jan 25 23:49:10 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 18:53:55 2024.

Well, Opinions don't mean a hill of 'man diapers",when there is evidence stacked to the ceiling against you.

Even You understand that when dealing with several cases like he has been charged with.. the prosecutors Will be very careful, maticulous and concise with their investigations.

Big Fish type focus.
Right Now, Trump is the biggest fish on the criminals radar..
You actually think a person like Jack Smith or Fani Williams is going to pass up an opportunity like This, because You are uncomfortable with it?

Sorry brah.

No matter how much You spin your story, Your Opinion means NOTHING TO EVIDENCE.

Moreover, Congress And Senate has tried to intervene, and failed to do so. They Republican Senators gave him a free pass twice after Both impeachment trials, used "immunity" as the crutches,then put him on blast at further senate hearings..

They said he Should be prosecuted After "stepping down".

Well,that's exactly what happened.
Now every Republican is crying foul.

He has "immunity to prosecution".

Uhh huh.

All of this play therapy, for the soul,to keep from going to trial, where he knows the evidence is overwhelming.
He Knows he is going to jail.. You know it,too.
That's why you are fighting so hard to lie For him.
You have Nothing to gain by this man being free or imprisoned...but you don't see it.

Oh well.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jan 26 00:44:46 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:11:50 2024.

You seem to have a hard time understanding that those were four million fake votes that were statistically impossible, which would have made Biden the most popular presidential candidate in the country's history and you know he was far from it even back in 2020.

Why can't you accept facts?

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jan 26 00:46:12 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:11:50 2024.

PS. They are not his "fellow Republicans". Are you denying the existence of RINOs?

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Jan 26 00:50:53 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jan 26 00:44:46 2024.

Seek help

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jan 26 01:09:31 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 18:51:56 2024.

Why do you agree with him?

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jan 26 01:16:43 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Chicagomotorman on Thu Jan 25 18:17:36 2024.

The last thing I'd care about is a lefty calling me "delusional". And it is the last thing I care about. Just ignore him.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jan 26 01:20:49 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:20:50 2024.

you need to get real on Trump. He has to present himself to all Americans when he is running for President because he need the majority of Independents, dissident Democrats and angry anti-Trump Republicans if he is to wipe out Biden this November

That's exactly what he does. Not to mention, he got 75 million of their votes in 2020. It is utterly statistically impossible that Biden got 81 million votes. You need to put fraud denial to rest.

And he was attacked first, frankly. I care nothing about so-called "angry anti-Trump Republicans" because they are really Democrats.

like insulting people he doesn't agree with

With all due respect, you are talking like a liberal. Have you heard what those "people he doesn't agree with" said about him, and even before he opened his mouth??

Your worldview still seems shaped by the mainstream media.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jan 26 01:21:21 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Thu Jan 25 16:17:19 2024.


Biden is an election denier.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jan 26 01:39:11 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jan 25 16:27:13 2024.

Why is it ok for Buyden to insult people but not Trump?


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by mtk52983 on Fri Jan 26 05:35:02 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jan 26 01:20:49 2024.

It is not “utterly statistically impossible.”

Your calculations assume, without evidence, that the make up of the electorate matched what it was in 2016. However, there were plenty of differences that galvanized more people to vote in 2020. First, measures adopted by states in response to COVID made it easier for those legally registered/able to vote to do so. This was especially true among the working poor who often struggle to come out on Election Day because they are incapable of taking the time off from work to vote. If you are working two jobs and both require you to be there on Election Day when exactly will you have time to vote? These voters tend to skew Democrat. This is not a debate about whether that is actually in their best interest, but just that is how they tend to vote. Second, a lot of people just did not vote in 2016 because they did not think Trump or Shrillary would be all that different. The same attitude that gets Trump a lot of supporters also turned off more of those who were indifferent in 2016. Rather than sit home in 2020 like they did in 2016, they voted for Biden because he was not Trump.

What the recent polling shows is that there is a real danger for Biden that they are going to go back to their 2016 behavior and sit home. To win in 2024, it is not just about getting his base to come to the polls, but mellowing his image/public platform can get enough Biden voters from 2020 just to not vote in 2024. While Trump would like them to vote for him (so he can have the most votes ever), just getting them to not vote for Biden is enough to secure the win.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Fri Jan 26 06:35:58 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Thu Jan 25 21:33:12 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Jan 26 08:31:09 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jan 26 00:46:12 2024.

Trump and the MAGA's are the RINOS.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Train Dude on Fri Jan 26 08:37:44 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Jan 26 08:31:09 2024.

Who is MAGA?

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Jan 26 08:41:49 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by mtk52983 on Fri Jan 26 05:35:02 2024.

Why are you bothering. You must know by now Olog is a troll. It staggers the imagination that people here take Olog and Salaam seriously. At least CM could be funny when he gets into his tirades.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Fri Jan 26 08:56:50 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Jan 26 08:41:49 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Fri Jan 26 09:19:47 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Jan 26 08:31:09 2024.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Fri Jan 26 09:20:32 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Jeff Rosen on Fri Jan 26 08:41:49 2024.

Uh thank you. I think.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 17:23:10 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jan 26 00:46:12 2024.

Olag, according to the new Republican playbook, that would make Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, and both Bushes RINOs. Historically it would also make Lincoln, McKinley, TR, Grant and the rest also RINOs. Keep this in mind. I would easily vote for a RINO over a Democrat because that so-called RINO would vote Republican 90% of the time. A DimwitoRAT would never do so.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 17:27:38 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jan 25 16:27:13 2024.

Biden is an asshole, dumb, stupid, a liar, plagiarist, racist and incompetent. For you to even put him in the same class as Trump defies sanity. Having said that, Trump is very hard to take for moderate Republicans, suburban women, independents and dissident Democrats--AND HE WILL NEED VOTES FROM THERE GROUPS IF HE EXPECTS TO WIN THIS FALL.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Jan 26 17:30:42 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 17:27:38 2024.

Trump isn’t a plagiarist, I’ll give him that.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 17:36:25 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Fri Jan 26 01:20:49 2024.

No Olag, I am a REPUBLICAN but not one you can put into a box and say he is a MAGA or an apologist for stupid fellow party members who still want to keep harping back to 2020 and an election that might have been rigged (I SAID MIGHT HAVE BEEN). Besides, you can't undo 2020 and it is utterly stupid to keep bringing up 2020 when it is passed. What needs to be done is to win election and force the other side to stand down and keep hitting them in the gut over the sad and sorry position our country is in right now---crime, inflation, the border, the screwed up foreign policy that is making our country a laughing stock, high prices for food, shelter and clothing and a party that has done everything possible to gum up the works to make our country a laughing stock.

But you must win the election and you do that by keeping your eyes on the prize and keep blasting away at the ineptness of the other guys until the voters see it and react to our beliefs that we can alter it . There is no other way but to win the 2024 Election and then be able to alter the sad and sorry state this country is in. WIN first!!!!!

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Jan 26 17:40:50 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 17:36:25 2024.

Our country has never been more prosperous or safe.

What is stopping our country from being even better is a Congress that would rather serve their orange god than to serve the interests of the country by funding immigration and our Cold War II allies.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Fri Jan 26 18:22:10 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 17:27:38 2024.

Indeed. Trump should dial it back a bit as far as his insults and personal attacks. Hes also has to let go of 2020 and Jan 6. Its over. Move on. Weather he's Right or wrong, he has to focus on the issues that have to be dealt with and concern the American voter. His ongoing bitching (which will change nothing) about 2020 just make him look like a whining crybaby. And if he doesn't hold his head up and keep his mouth shut about the past and his opponent's dress, he'll have something else to cry about, his defeat in 2024.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 19:42:59 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Fri Jan 26 18:22:10 2024.

Well said Fisk Avenue Jim. I keep wondering why more Republicans can't see what we're seeing. Trump simply has to move on whether he likes it or not. 2020 is over. Now he has to get our party ready for this year. You do that by encouraging early voting because if you keep it to only one day bad weather could hurt the turnout and it is stupid to let the other guys get a lead in key races because their troops voted early. It could discourage Republicans from going to the polls on election day if they see their guys behind by a q uarter of a million votes from the get-go. Hopefully he and our party will learn.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 19:46:58 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Jan 26 17:40:50 2024.

Prosperous and safe????? What planet are you living on anyway? With close to ten million illegals coming across our porous border, we don't know how many drug addicts there are, or terrorists or criminals there are among those miserable cheaters. Bidenomics has been an unmitigated disaster and even your Democrats are beginning to utter what was once unthinkable......THAT THIS COUNTRY IS GOING TO SHIT.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by 3-9 on Fri Jan 26 21:05:34 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Jan 26 17:40:50 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by 3-9 on Fri Jan 26 21:11:19 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Fri Jan 26 19:46:58 2024.

Bidenomics has been an unmitigated disaster

Really? Aside the jump in inflation early on, the economy has been running pretty smoothly. Unemployment is down, the stock market is up, and we (so far) dodged the recession that everyone was predicting. We might even avoid further interest rate hikes from the Fed. How are these bad signs?

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