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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 12:50:53 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 10:54:59 2024.

OK. So what Trump says is OK because either he doesn't mean it, or he does mean it but won't be able to achieve his goals?

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jan 24 13:06:38 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Jan 24 11:58:41 2024.

You are smarter than this

What yardstick are you measuring that by?

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 13:17:17 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 12:42:45 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Wed Jan 24 13:50:41 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue Jan 23 22:23:29 2024.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 13:51:44 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by chicagoMotorman on Wed Jan 24 13:50:41 2024.

Those are all bad things that he did, and he was the one who appeased our enemies.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Wed Jan 24 13:52:35 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by chicagoMotorman on Wed Jan 24 13:50:41 2024.




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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 13:53:31 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by chicagoMotorman on Wed Jan 24 13:50:41 2024.

TPP was an anti-China alliance. You're proud of that being killed?
Coal is dying of natural causes. Natural gas is way cheaper.
So you think 6-3 is balanced?

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Here's Donald Trump being tough on China

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 14:14:10 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by chicagoMotorman on Wed Jan 24 13:50:41 2024.

He won't commit to defending Taiwan because they compete with us in the computer chip market.


Former President Donald Trump's comments suggesting the United States should not help Taiwan in the event of an invasion from China has sparked a new wave of anger and concern on social media.

Trump, who is the leading favorite to secure the GOP nomination for president after winning the Iowa caucus on Monday, sat for an interview on Fox News' Sunday Morning Futures With Maria Bartiromo where he was asked if, under a hypothetical second Trump presidency, the U.S. would protect Taiwan from Chinese aggression even if it meant going to war with China. China claims Taiwan as part of its territory, but the Communist Party leadership has never controlled the self-ruled island in its seven decades in power in Beijing. The former president declined to give a firm answer, but did suggest discontent with Taiwan for allegedly taking semiconductor business away from the U.S.

"Taiwan did take all of our chip business," Trump said. "We used to make all of our own chips, now they're made in Taiwan, 90 percent of [them]...Remember this, Taiwan took, smart, brilliant, they took our business away."

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Re: Here's Donald Trump being tough on China

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Wed Jan 24 14:55:17 2024, in response to Here's Donald Trump being tough on China, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 14:14:10 2024.

So? I still can't buy a Huawei or a Greely because of the current asshole in chief.
You gotta go to Tijuana or Vancouver for a free market not run by bigots.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jan 24 15:18:07 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Edwards! on Wed Jan 24 10:12:01 2024.

I don't believe he is a bigot nor a rapist. Sexual harasser yes but not a rapist. But he IS everything else you said.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jan 24 15:21:09 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 11:15:25 2024.

So if TD throws a hissy fit, what does that have to do with Fisk Ave Jim?

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 15:23:18 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jan 24 15:18:07 2024.

He is objectively a rapist. You can publish that and not be liable for defamation.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 15:24:41 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jan 24 15:21:09 2024.

It’s an aside.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jan 24 15:26:59 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 13:51:44 2024.

"Those are all bad things that he did"

Even the Iran deal???

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 15:31:37 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jan 24 15:26:59 2024.

Yes. Iran is closer to making a bomb now and stronger and more brazen than they ever were.

Even if the Iran deal was bad to begin with.

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Re: Here's Donald Trump being tough on China?

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jan 24 15:31:43 2024, in response to Re: Here's Donald Trump being tough on China, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Wed Jan 24 14:55:17 2024.

I still can't buy a Huawei or a Greely

Why would you want to?

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Re: New Hampshire results

Posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jan 24 15:34:17 2024, in response to Here's Donald Trump being tough on China, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 14:14:10 2024.

Those words alone do not mean Trump won't defend Taiwan.

Not like Biden is defending them, himself.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 16:41:32 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by mtk52983 on Wed Jan 24 12:40:56 2024.

Sure, if he had a crystal ball. You speak of an all eggs in one basket scenario where he puts all his wealth into one index fund.
My guess is that no smart investor would recommend that strategy.

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Re: Here's Donald Trump being tough on China?

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Wed Jan 24 16:47:42 2024, in response to Re: Here's Donald Trump being tough on China?, posted by Olog-hai on Wed Jan 24 15:31:43 2024.

Because AIM is attempting to tell us that Trump is a fake anti-chinese boycotter while tossing Taiwan under the bus

Meanwhile, Biden doesn't allow any Chinese products in, and has promised to throw Taiwan under the bus.

I'm not sure what his/hers/their point is.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 17:07:55 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 16:41:32 2024.

That is not what an “index fund” is and a smart investor absolutely would recommend this for a retail investor.

There are plenty of investment funds that are geared to people who need to invest $400M which are managed by people who are much better than Trump at investment. Had he done that, he’d be much wealthier now. He’s a terrible businessman who vastly underperformed the markets.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:14:55 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jan 24 15:18:07 2024.

"I don't believe he is a bigot nor a rapist."

I agree. That bigot label is nonsense. He has many commendations from Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson on his hiring of minorities in his construction companies. Bigots don't get any of that especially from those two.

As for the rapist charge, that too is nonsense. The story, from three decades ago, is just too flimsy. Its amazing that the Bergdorf Goodman incident where the "victim" cant even remember the date this is to supposedly happened. And why would he have to resort to rape or any sexual assault there in a big department store in front of the whole world to see??
Also, Trump always travels with a security team. Why weren't some of them called on to testify? In private off the record statements, they said that the incident never happened. Meanwhile she is milking this as far as she can in order to sell a book.
If there is any justice left in this country, all these charges will be tossed on appeal.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Jan 24 17:19:27 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Jan 24 15:18:07 2024.

You are capable of believing whatever you wish.
what You choose to believe,even in the face of evidence presented,is just replacement/disposable memory theater.
Whataboutism,plain and simple.

And if That's what works for you,so be it.

However, because I like stark reality, and would live with the TRUTH,than listen to a liar extraordinarily go through the motions of "how he did nothing wrong",then cry about "presidential immunity" in the same breath, BECAUSE of some shit he Knows he did was criminal... looking for a get out of jail card.

Even talking crap to the supreme Court,over "favors THEY OWE HIM" SOUNDS LIKE AN ADMISSION OF GUILT.
Sounds like he's scared of being thrown in Club Fed.

And Yes,the way E.Jean Carroll rehashed Her trauma is right up there with his M.O.

His BIGOTRY is his "nationalist stance".
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN is nothing more than a White supremacist rally call.
Every move he Ever made as president was strategic., lined right up with Reagans Trickle down economy, government shutdowns, and taxation for the poor and middle class.

His BIGOTRY WAS "Proud Boys...

"Stand back and Stand By", instead of "Stay back, and Stand Down".

He pushes his White Power mantra,aggressively, through code speech, and other means.
He fooled the Maga Churches, the "evangelicals" who claimed to receive "a prophetic word" here and there about this Anti Christ...

Trump Is a Criminal.
Always has been.

You people have played into your Privilege,by pushing this man Forward, when he is the Devil incarnate.

It doesn't matter what any common sense, critical thinker says to the Faketriots, MAGA Tea Party,Q Anon tinfoil wearers.

They Never get tired of him tossing bullshit AT THEM 24 hours a day, everyday.
Whining about being the Victim of a Witch hunt, by the very government he is trying to govern over.
Everyone is Vermen to him, except his rich donors,his family, and his foreign friends that helped him get money..

Trump plays up to whatever going to help him win,or gets him paid.

It is whatever it is.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:19:39 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 12:50:53 2024.

I never said that. Don't put words in my mouth...or post.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 17:31:17 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 16:41:32 2024.

Lots of smart investors put all their money into a single S&P 500 index fund.

And Trump would be richer now if he had done that.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 17:32:32 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:14:55 2024.

The story, from three decades ago, is just too flimsy.

A jury disagreed with you.

Presumably you also don't consider OJ Simpson to be a murderer.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 17:33:09 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:19:39 2024.

I asked a question. If your answer is no, then you're not making much sense.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:38:40 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 17:33:09 2024.

So if my answer is yes, that means that in your mind I'm making sense??
Got it.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:41:14 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 17:32:32 2024.

Your comparison is idiotic.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:46:09 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 17:31:17 2024.

But that a net figure. Theres no detail on what he spent and lets not forget about the market downturn due to Covid. If he minimized his expenses and there was no Covid, his new worth would have been much higher. Everybody took a hit when the economy was virtually shut down, even a high roller like DJT.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 18:00:56 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:46:09 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Jan 24 18:01:00 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:14:55 2024.

Yet,he has been found libel just the same.

Funny how you used "Al Sharpton" as your "black vote of approval",as this man appears on MSNBC daily saying the Opposite of what You are harping.

If You want this boy to be Proven beyond a shadow of doubt INNOCENT...Then he should set the stage for it.
Stop delaying trials with everything under the sun.
Stop using his wife mother as a scape goat.
Stop pontificating in front of the media, saying shit you could have said in court.to the judge.

Stop lying to the American people about what you did, Do, and doing.

Prove that you are innocent in the place it will count,not the Courts of Public Opinions.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Jan 24 18:03:41 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 17:32:32 2024.

Jury found him libel in Two cases involving this woman.

2 cases...with a third brewing up because he can't keep his big mouth shut.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Edwards! on Wed Jan 24 18:11:21 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Tue Jan 23 21:00:19 2024.

It's hilarious to watch you defend yourself this man.
The same man who claimed he never took an oath to defend the Constitution, and he would work to get it abolished.

This is the guy, that says he wants to disrupt "the government",Over throw the Status Quo.

You defend him, without evidence of such innocence.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 18:15:39 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:38:40 2024.

If you said yes, it would make sense but be sad.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 18:16:49 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:41:14 2024.


Trump was found to have committed rape by a civil court jury only.

OJ was found to have committed murder by a civil court jury only.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 18:18:43 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 17:46:09 2024.

I didn't forget covid. The S&P 500 index went down a lot due to covid.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 18:53:55 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Edwards! on Wed Jan 24 18:11:21 2024.

Nope. I'm not "defending" this man. I just call it as I see it. Its called opinion, judgement and speculation. He took the oath of office to defend the constitution when he was sworn in starting his first term. He needs no defense from me. Hes not going to seriously try to abolish the Constitution. Thats just hysterical nonsense. If he ever had such a serious lack of judgement and tried, that attempt would be slapped down hard. Finally there would be a legit excuse to impeach him.
I'm glad that my posts provides you some humor. My pleasure. Its good to see you lighten up a bit!

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 18:58:32 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Edwards! on Wed Jan 24 18:01:00 2024.

So lets do it the American way. Let the people choose.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 19:04:51 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 18:15:39 2024.

Not everything Trump says is "OK" I've posted here many times about how he shoots off his mouth and that big mouth just gets him in trouble.
But...nobodys perfect.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 19:11:54 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 19:04:51 2024.

It’s pathetic that you have such low standards for the presidency.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 19:12:23 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 18:18:43 2024.

It fully recovered.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 19:13:40 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 18:58:32 2024.

No, criminal justice in this country is not based on the people’s choice.

If you’re talking about the 14th amendment crap, yes, let him stay on the ballot unless he’s actually convicted.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 19:19:19 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 19:11:54 2024.


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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 19:22:48 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 19:13:40 2024.

Whos talking about criminal justice?. I'm talking about the voice of the people being heard via the ballot box to determine its president. AKA the American way.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 19:24:22 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 19:22:48 2024.

Edwards was talking about his criminal cases.

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Re: Iowa Predictions

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 19:43:43 2024, in response to Re: Iowa Predictions, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 19:12:23 2024.

Of course, and more so.

But I was responding to a post that suggested that covid was a challenge uniquely present for an individual's business holdings.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 19:44:57 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 19:22:48 2024.

No problem. There is nothing preventing a convicted criminal, even one currently in prison, from running for President.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Wed Jan 24 20:47:41 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Olog-hai on Tue Jan 23 22:19:49 2024.

He still lost by over four million votes when the country economically was doing well even with the pandemic. His personality turned people off whether you want to admit it or not---and he better have learned from that.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by #4SeaBeachFred on Wed Jan 24 20:55:51 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by Spider-Pig on Wed Jan 24 15:31:37 2024.

Iran was broke when Trump was in power and that miserable country couldn't even help those terrorist groups that Trump eviscerated. When Biden took over he returned billions to Iran and from that point on they have been supplying Hamas, Hezbollah and other shithole groups with arms and ammo to cause hell in the world. Get your facts straight.

Oh, by the way, did you catch your Biden in Virginia yesterday. He was lauding the governor of that state with endless pride and praise. The only trouble was his "governor" lost re-electon in 2021. You President is a worthless shit.

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Re: New Hampshire Results

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Wed Jan 24 20:59:19 2024, in response to Re: New Hampshire Results, posted by AlM on Wed Jan 24 19:44:57 2024.

Keep dreaming. He'll never spend a single day in prison. Primarily since if he gets convicted, the appeal process will take years. Besides, since by that time he'll be an ex president and he'd be entitled to secret service protection which will keep him a free man.

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