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Re: United Van Lines makes a u-turn back to LAX because...

Posted by cortelyounext on Tue Mar 25 16:11:12 2025, in response to Re: United Van Lines makes a u-turn back to LAX because..., posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Tue Mar 25 12:37:38 2025.

I'm sure this is not the first time this has happened.

This is not exactly related, but still...

I used to work out of San Francisco and lived in the South Bay city of Sunnyvale which is between San Francisco and San Jose. I flew about 85% of my assigned trips out of SFO and, with the exception of a couple out of OAK, the rest were SJC which is closer to Sunnyvale.

So like I was working a trip out of SFO. I drive the 40 minutes and park my vehicle at the off-site lot and am on the employee bus heading to Flight Operations when I realized my neck lanyard holding the various badges was not around my neck. I was grief stricken terrified paralyzed with fear call it what you will since I was a baby and still on probation at the time. There is a method to work without the company ID badge but it is time consuming and, if nothing else, a probie simply needs to arrive on time and be ready physically and mentally to work. I get to Flight Operations, inform Crew Scheduling in Chicago and tell the Administration Desk of my situation so they can contact the Captain to explain I will be running late. So I get back on the employee bus right and fly no pun intended down the 101 back to Sunnyvale where my lanyard with the affixed which means attached badges was sitting on the kitchen counter. I grab it, drape it over said neck with the badges in my breast pocket, and race back up the 101 only to miss the employee bus which wasted another 10 - 12 minutes. I stopped briefly in Ops and finally got to the jet. I stowed my bags and began pre-flight flows when the Captain walks up after accomplishing the Exterior Inspection which is something the FOs typically do. I extended my hand by way of introduction but he wanted none of it only asking me why I was late. He was angry. I apologized and told him the truth which eased the tension. I assume he was told I was running late since as mentioned I told both the SFO Flight Operations Desk and Crew Scheduling.

I related this story the following week to my newly paired Captain and he asked who it was I flew with and he looked at me with a knowing smile. Came to find out the previous Captain was a SCAB and he knew the vast majority of pilots, to include FOs, wanted nothing to do with him and had him on their "No-Fly" list. It is more than likely he thought I arrived late just to mess with him. I had no idea he was a SCAB but after that I knew every one of 'em. I also never left the lanyard home again. My philosophy has always been that a trip will, at the very least, be professional with the hope it is also personable. This is my story.


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