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Re: NY Times/Siena Poll: Trump leads Biden in five out of six battleground states

Posted by mtk52983 on Mon Nov 6 13:29:27 2023, in response to Re: NY Times/Siena Poll: Trump leads Biden in five out of six battleground states, posted by Train Dude on Mon Nov 6 13:21:45 2023.

Roe v. Wade was an awful decision as far as it pertains to the United States Constitution, but it did not compel those who did not wish to participate in an abortion to do so. If your religious beliefs allowed for abortion before viability, Roe v. Wade allowed you to do so. If your religious beliefs did not allow for abortions, Roe v. Wade did not require you to get one. Dobbs might be ever so slightly more faithful to the Constitution, but it also gave sanction to municipalities to enact legislation that restrict access to an abortion even though my religion would permit it. If we truly care about the Free Exercise clause of the First Amendment this stands in stark contrast.


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