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Re: Useless Comcast customer service calls…

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Sun Jan 7 07:15:15 2007, in response to Useless Comcast customer service calls…, posted by JohnL on Sat Jan 6 22:53:08 2007.

Heh. They're "COMCASTIC!" Heh. Fer what it's worth, COMSPASTIC is the LARGEST host of worms and other wrigglies in the US ... we TRACE the sources of worms, and they account for nearly 10% which is absolutely INSANE given that nearly 70% of the world's hijacked computers are in CHINA, BRASIL and KOREA. That's where all those "pill ads" originate though they plant SPAMBOTS on Uhmerican's machines to relay 'em.

COMCASTIC harbors the LARGEST majority of "bots" and yet they don't even NOTICE. *Imagine* how much better yer "breadband" would be were it not for all those "pwn3d" machines probably on your OWN 'party line' cable modem. :(

CABLE modems are cool and all, but as someone in the security "biz" myself, the whole idea of even ALLOWING a "cable modem" to connect to "my computer" scares the CHIT outta me. COMCAST? :(


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