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Re: Fox News poll shows Trump losing to Biden, Warren, Sanders and Harris

Posted by Mitch45 on Fri Aug 16 14:01:05 2019, in response to Fox News poll shows Trump losing to Biden, Warren, Sanders and Harris, posted by Dave on Fri Aug 16 09:41:55 2019.

Wouldn't it be deliciously ironic if Bernie Sanders was elected and became the first Jewish President of the United States> A self-hating Jew like him?

Bernie would soon learn a bitter lesson - that anti-Semites don't care if you're a self-hating Jew or not - to them, a Jew is a Jew, regardless of self-like. Bernie needs to learn that lesson, justlike many other liberals Jews who still think that they if they're anti-Israel and march with the progressives, they'll be protected.

Hitler didn't ask if you liked or cared about your Jewishness - he just put you on the train and whisked you off to your death, no questions asked. Bernie needs to learn that.


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