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Re: Earths Magnetic Feild/Currents Reversing?

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Mon Oct 30 12:58:43 2006, in response to Re: Earths Magnetic Feild/Currents Reversing?, posted by Subterranean Railway on Sun Oct 29 15:19:20 2006.


However, temperature changes in the last 150 years coinciding with the introduction of heavy-CO2 producing industry cannot be explained by Milankovitch cycles. CO2 levels are increasing rapidly, and it is obvious that they do play a role in global temperatures.

You're committing the same mistake most other climatologists make, assumption by coincidence. Just because the Earth's temperatures have been rising the past 150 years does NOT mean it's man-made greenhouse gases which are to blame in any way. Prior to 1850, the Earth's temperatures were unusually low. They might simply be returning to what they were pre 1300. Current warming trends are NOT unusual.

CO2 levels are increasing because most of the undeveloped world is now rapidly industrializing. No one seems to want to tell China and India to "stop".


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