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Re: The left plays both sides of the fence (Was: Ology of [T]Error)

Posted by WillD on Thu Aug 3 04:25:57 2017, in response to Re: The left plays both sides of the fence (Was: Ology of [T]Error), posted by AlM on Mon Jul 31 13:24:28 2017.

Any number of images you get if you Google New Mexico Elevation Map show routes through southern NM that stay under 5000'.

Yes, but Olog appeared to want this canal to be a moat in his Anti-Central American Protective Rampart, so I chose a route close to the border. Going further inland would result in a no man's land between the border and the canal that would result in massive dislocation of US citizens on the US side of the border. Of course that's the supreme irony of all these border wall/fence/canal schemes.

Actually, the bigger problem would be California. You're below sea level in the Imperial Valley; then you have to build a staircase to get over the mountains, which again get close to 5000', to bring you to San Diego. There you have no choice but to pump water from sea level, whether from the Colorado River or from the Pacific Ocean.

At the very least setting up a siphon from the Pacific to the Salton Sea could be a good way to fix the problems with that artificial lake. It also could generate quite a bit of power, for a while. Mexicali is only something like 38 feet above sea level, so maybe we could get the Salton to sea level, pay Mexico to dig a canal past there and leave Olog's ACAPR to be a more conventional moat-less fence between San Diego and the Salton Sea.


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