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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Wed Sep 3 14:32:25 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by Nilet on Wed Sep 3 11:49:07 2014.


They can't well do that if Israel has already eaten the slice being offered.

This is true, but your view of the situation is a bit too simplistic. I think moves such as the one the Israeli government made this week, even in Area C, is damaging to Israel's own interests in light of recent events. But let's not forget that if the Palestinians actually entered serious negotiations and hammered out a negotiated deal on final boundaries years ago one of the many times they had the chance, perhaps there will be more pieces of the pie left. If you go to a buffet dinner, don't take all the offerings right away, and then on your second trip discover something has run out, do you blame the other diners?

As noted, I'm not privy to the fine details of Israeli politics (or that of any other country, really) but "Israeli left" doesn't necessarily mean left-wing.

Even if you were privy to the fine details of a country's politics, you seem to lack the ability to comprehend them, so don't worry about it too much.

That doesn't actually mean anything without context. I lit candles each and every Shabbat for years, said a bunch of words, and then went right back to my computer to finish typing up some important document before turning on the oven to make dinner (which wasn't kosher).

What additional context are you looking for? It sounds like you are about as religious as 75% of Israelis. Does anyone else see some irony in that?


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