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Re: Shinseki ''Resigns''

Posted by Nilet on Sun Jun 1 03:55:48 2014, in response to Re: Shinseki ''Resigns'', posted by Train Dude on Sat May 31 20:28:27 2014.

Oh really? You need to explain how this works.

I already did. It's in the part of my post after the first sentence you quoted. Which you seem to have ignored.


At the moment, people who can't afford health care simply ignore obvious problems until they become unbearable, and then go to an emergency room— at which point, they're often told they have a significant problem requiring extensive treatment that would have been simple and easy to deal with if they had sought treatment when the symptoms first appeared.

Giving people comprehensive health care means more people getting problems dealt with when they're small and easy, or even avoiding them entirely through preventative measures, and thus reduce the need for more expensive and extensive interventions later.

Keep in mind, of course, this assumes that the ACA will actually provide comprehensive health care to millions of people, which it was never intended to do.


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