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Re: Brewer had to (Re: Ariz. Gov. SAYS NO to SB1062)

Posted by AlM on Thu Feb 27 11:22:02 2014, in response to Re: Brewer had to (Re: Ariz. Gov. SAYS NO to SB1062), posted by Train Dude on Thu Feb 27 11:11:40 2014.

If I'm on a checkout line and the cashier refuses to check out a 12 Oz package of bacon - what is a reasonable accommodation?

The store manager calls over another cashier and then, behind the scenes, fires the cashier who refused you service. There is ample precedent for that action and if the store chain is well run the manager will have been trained on how to handle the situation.

My company gives its management training on all these kinds of situations. Things like employees who post gory abortion pictures in their cube, or who want to reserve a conference room every week for a prayer meeting.

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