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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Railman718 on Tue Nov 22 10:33:55 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Nov 22 10:30:54 2011.

Seriously, smh. You were right man.

I think THIS movie quote applies here...

You Just cant be told what the Matrix is,you have to see it for yourself...

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 11:14:59 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 09:46:23 2011.


since you got it figured out..why dont you tell me?

You want me to answer this question for you? -> How does this change the fact that you, Edwards, are a racist and an antisemite?

Ok. It's obvious. The answer is that it doesn't change the fact that you, Edwards, are a racist and an antisemite. Which is what I've been saying. So I don't know why you needed me to tell you that again...

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 11:45:05 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 11:14:59 2011.

Oh cry me river...you word humping blithering buffoon.
Your really reaching now..desperate..so much so that you've pulled out your high powered guns now.even going as far as REPOSTING..one oF YOUR CARDINAL NO NO'S...
OH MY...

No..whats fairly obvious here is you making a TOTAL ASS of yourself...in which I am more than happy to help you along..you know,just to show YOU that sometimes its best to let sleeping lions continue what their doing..or walk away bruised,battered and most likely eaten. do try harder,by all means..

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Railman718 on Tue Nov 22 11:46:48 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 11:45:05 2011.

Edwards he cant even repsond with a logical answer...

The Butthurt thats going on here is funny chit...

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 11:46:53 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Mon Nov 21 17:41:03 2011.

Opinion columns, because that's what they are.

It's hard to defend the position you take when you are so many years removed from the process, you haven't used the service you're criticizing at all, and you don't have the statistics or the resources that are relevant to the CURRENT situation. You're basing your opinion on the way things were when you left the agency, without knowing what has changed in the interim with regard to service needs, ridership patterns, or what the people who actually use the service might need.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by ClearAspect on Tue Nov 22 11:47:31 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Mon Nov 21 22:51:01 2011.

The Irony in this post is high....

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 11:47:32 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 10:10:24 2011.

So in other words you refuse to answer any of my questions in the post linked below because you know you are wrong and I am right.

Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System (248923)

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 11:48:47 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Mon Nov 21 18:05:46 2011.

No, those are bus fans, and the occasional driver. Not 'sophisticated bus users'. Many of the fans are people like you, who think they know better how to do what the MTA is doing, but like you, they lack anything but casual knowledge about the way things are.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 11:49:01 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 11:45:05 2011.

No rivers here. You asked me to tell you so I told you. The answer is that it doesn't change the fact that you, Edwards, are a racist and an antisemite.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 11:50:59 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Mon Nov 21 18:05:46 2011.


They are sophisticated bus users.

OMG LOL! How in the world did you come to that conclusion?!!?!?

Anyhow, four people responded positively. So because four people responded positively, you've come to the conclusion that most people agree with what you write?

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by ClearAspect on Tue Nov 22 11:51:01 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Mon Nov 21 19:39:42 2011.

The Bx12 SBS also goes further than the local Bx12. So you can use the Bx12 SBS vs the Bx12 local to see what your B44 SBS will do.

I believe in the concept of passenger ridership assimilation, where you give passengers a faster means of transportation and they will assimilate their riding habits to maximize the lines efficiency. Its why Riders instead of taking a local subway line 5 stops to their destination will take an express past their stop then get on the local to go back 1 stop, its why the SBS has been a success. People would rather would 3-4 blocks to get the SBS than take the local. Even if it meant no difference in time saved or lost.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 12:00:01 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Mon Nov 21 18:00:31 2011.

If you look at the data, you'll see that ridership off the local has gone down, while ridership of the M15SBS is up more than the decrease in local ridership. You can ALSO see that overall ridership of the M15 is up over the previous local/limited setup.

http://www.nyc.gov/html/brt/downloads/pdf/201111_1st2nd_progress_report.pdf If it's coming at the expense of parallel routes, then it's certainly doing it's job of SPEEDING BUS TRAVEL.

That was the point of the project. That's a success.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Nov 22 12:40:56 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 11:48:47 2011.

Many of the fans are people like you, who think they know better how to do what the MTA is doing, but like you, they lack anything but casual knowledge about the way things are.

You fit in that category as well.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 12:53:33 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Nov 22 12:40:56 2011.

On certain things, I know my facts. Which is why I butt out if I'm not knowledgeable about something. Staten Island, I know what I'm talking about, which is where the little friction we had came from...water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned.

You have my respect due to some of the things I've seen you post of late, and as I've said before, I've got no grudge with you. Hell, I'd even meet you without worrying about your previously threatened beat-down. :)

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 12:54:13 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Nov 22 00:52:50 2011.


How is he completely wrong?

I didn't say he was. But now that you mention it, he probably was pretty close to completely wrong.

Some of his points did make sense, BrooklynBus does know what he's talking about when it comes to certain things from his perspective as a former operations planning figure.

I don't think any of Edwards' points made sense. Sure BrooklynBus knows some stuff, but he puts a lot of stuff he doesn't know and/or is wrong about into his blog posts. And Edwards didn't say he was a former operations planning figure. Edwards instead made several statements strongly implying that he has no idea about BrooklynBus's history. Almost everything Edwards wrote in that post was incorrect or based on incorrect information.

He also has every right to bash the MTA in all the opinion pieces he wants based on his experience.

We're not disputing "rights". We're disputing if what BrooklynBus is writing makes any sense, is intelligent, and is based on facts, logic, and reason.

I see some people saying that this was supposed to be a news article, yet the very beginning of the article says "Allan Rosen discusses, in Part 1, the back-story and success of the 1978 Southwest Brooklyn bus route changes, and why this is how the MTA should do its bus route planning", implying that it was an opinion piece all along.

I'm disputing whether his "opinions" make any sense, are intelligent, and are based on facts, logic, and reason. For example, someone can have the opinion that the M42 is a fast bus route and does its job well. But if all the facts and logic and reasoning say that the route has an average speed that is well below the average for all Manhattan local bus routes, then that opinion is flawed at best and just plain wrong at worst.

Because you disagree with him, or because he "seriously" gets facts wrong?

The latter. Or a combination of the two. He might use a fact to draw an illogical conclusion. That makes him wrong. And I would disagree with his conclusion, even if it was an opinion, because he misused the facts.

I ask him about Brooklyn service changes that happened in the past sometimes and his answers to those questions are usually spot on.

First of all, how do you know his answer is correct? How do you know it doesn't just sound good? Second of all, sure, he might be able to answer basic questions. But in these articles and in many of his posts on this forum, he fails to use logic and reasoning and/or misuses facts. All the while he acts like he knows everything because he worked for DCP and NYCT. At the very least, he shouldn't act like he knows what's best. He should act like he has an informed opinion that could provide a good alternative to a certain problem. But even then he'd be lying since his opinions and alternatives are often really bad.

How? I looked up previous posts and he said that he retired on his own terms from the MTA, unless he was forced to resign?

So which is it? And why isn't he still working there? And if he did leave on his own terms, why did he do so? These are questions you should be asking him, because they could certainly be very relevant to why he writes what he writes.

I also found out that apparently the MTA utilized some of the ideas he came up with after he left the MTA, but are you sure that no one listened to him rather than no one was able to implement his ideas for whatever reasons that had nothing to do with him personally?

IIRC he has made many posts talking about the problems he had getting anything done while he was working at NYCT. Sure he got some things done, but by his own admission he had a very tough time. And if the issue was not with him personally and/or the quality of his ideas, then why has he himself admitted that no current transit executives will respond to his emails and that the Operations Planning department deletes his emails without even reading them? The man himself admits/claims that the MTA doesn't like him and won't/wouldn't do what he wanted and he in turn takes the opportunity to bash them left and right. You don't see a possible connection?

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 12:59:34 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 11:48:47 2011.


they lack anything but casual knowledge about the way things are.

I think that BrooklynBus has more than casual knowledge in the topics he writes about. I also think he has the potential to have great knowledge in the topics he writes about. But I think that he fails to apply that knowledge correctly, and also fails spectacularly when he tries to fill in holes in his knowledge.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BigBusDriver on Tue Nov 22 15:29:24 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 10:17:10 2011.

No, you need to do it this way:

Hey TurdSpittin Proff or STFU.
STFU, anyway.


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BigBusDriver on Tue Nov 22 15:44:12 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 07:08:02 2011.

Zinnia you are an expertmon research, too?
Why not use your uimited "expertise" and cure cancer, solve the budget crisis, fix the mass transit in new York and most importantly, come up with a cure for BITCHASSNESS, and give yourself an ass whooping dose!!


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 16:42:37 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by ClearAspect on Mon Nov 21 15:45:54 2011.

cool..I would LOVE to see LIGHTRAIL here in NYC..Perhaps after the Staten Island NS/WS routes are finalized..and in operation..

SBS is a cool idea..but until there is money for the real reason[subway/lightrail] why SELECT BUS was conceived..guess it'll do.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 16:56:53 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 11:49:01 2011.

nor does it change the fact that you are a word humping,re-post making parrot with a thought process glitch.Nor does it hide your race baiting low browed utterly contemptible attempt at garnering pity from this community...

What you are,if you missed it the first time..is this...

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Nov 22 17:03:08 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 12:53:33 2011.

Wow, I appreciate that, you're cool with me now.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 17:03:26 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 12:54:13 2011.

of course you didnt "think"..you rarely ever do..but When you DO make the attempt..Sometimes..SOMETIMES..you get "a hit or miss.."


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by r33/r36 mainline on Tue Nov 22 17:09:57 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by ClearAspect on Mon Nov 21 15:45:54 2011.

Personally I want to see SBS routes, mixed with Light Rail, subway and local bus service.

Same here! But add limited and Express buses for me lol. Bay Ridge Branch & SI North Shore are two great lines to break in Light Rail in NYC. IMO, the (M) line should go on the unused Rockaway Branch so they can kill off the Rock Park Shuttle.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 17:18:40 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 11:47:32 2011.

EXACTLY something a child would say...

Your batting 200 now! Good job.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 17:21:41 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by ClearAspect on Tue Nov 22 11:47:31 2011.

This thread is ironic,funny and downright silly.Period.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 17:27:04 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 16:56:53 2011.

No, because that's not a fact. Not only can you not answer any of my questions, you can't even admit that I DID answer the one relevant question you asked of me.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 17:28:18 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 17:03:26 2011.

Your post was almost completely incorrect and you are unable to defend it. I asked you several questions about the post and you were unable to answer any of them.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 17:29:28 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 17:18:40 2011.

You refuse to answer any of my questions in the post linked below because you know you are wrong and I am right.

Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System (248923)

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Nov 22 17:32:52 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 12:54:13 2011.

And Edwards didn't say he was a former operations planning figure. Edwards instead made several statements strongly implying that he has no idea about BrooklynBus's history.

He mentioned "Master Armchair Planners" in his post, implying that he does know of his history of being a bus planner.

We're not disputing "rights". We're disputing if what BrooklynBus is writing makes any sense, is intelligent, and is based on facts, logic, and reason.

I'm disputing whether his "opinions" make any sense, are intelligent, and are based on facts, logic, and reason. For example, someone can have the opinion that the M42 is a fast bus route and does its job well. But if all the facts and logic and reasoning say that the route has an average speed that is well below the average for all Manhattan local bus routes, then that opinion is flawed at best and just plain wrong at worst.

I understand what you're saying, we aren't debating rights, but I was responding to a statement made by someone else saying that he shouldn't share his opinion pieces anymore or something of that nature because they disagreed with his pieces.

He might use a fact to draw an illogical conclusion.

I see, I get where you're coming from there.

First of all, how do you know his answer is correct? How do you know it doesn't just sound good?

I recently asked him why the B36 has never been extended to Kings Plaza. He told me the local merchants opposed the change because they feared it would cause them to lose business, and upon further research, a hearing was held on the extension at one point, and the idea was soon put off the table afterwards, strongly implying that he was correct.

But in these articles and in many of his posts on this forum, he fails to use logic and reasoning and/or misuses facts. All the while he acts like he knows everything because he worked for DCP and NYCT. At the very least, he shouldn't act like he knows what's best.

If this is true, it isn't good, but it seems like most people disagreeing with him or point out his factual inaccuracies are attacking him and not doing so constructively and encouraging him to do a better job at checking over those inaccuracies.

So which is it? And why isn't he still working there? And if he did leave on his own terms, why did he do so? These are questions you should be asking him, because they could certainly be very relevant to why he writes what he writes.

All he says is that he simply retired. You said that he left on unfavorable terms (with his bosses I'm assuming), and I'm trying to find evidence to see if that's true.

And if the issue was not with him personally and/or the quality of his ideas, then why has he himself admitted that no current transit executives will respond to his emails and that the Operations Planning department deletes his emails without even reading them? The man himself admits/claims that the MTA doesn't like him and won't/wouldn't do what he wanted and he in turn takes the opportunity to bash them left and right. You don't see a possible connection?

I see where you're getting at, yes I guess the possibility does exist that there could be sour grapes involved with his opinions posted here and on the Bites website if true.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 18:03:43 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Nov 22 17:32:52 2011.


He mentioned "Master Armchair Planners" in his post, implying that he does know of his history of being a bus planner.

Yes, but everything else he said implies that he doesn't know anything more than that (and he also implied things that plainly aren't true).

I see, I get where you're coming from there.

Thank you.

I recently asked him why the B36 has never been extended to Kings Plaza. He told me the local merchants opposed the change because they feared it would cause them to lose business, and upon further research, a hearing was held on the extension at one point, and the idea was soon put off the table afterwards, strongly implying that he was correct.

That's a simple, "easily" verifiable fact. The hearing documents could be examined. But can he be trusted to use knowledge like this to come to logical conclusions?

If this is true, it isn't good, but it seems like most people disagreeing with him or point out his factual inaccuracies are attacking him and not doing so constructively and encouraging him to do a better job at checking over those inaccuracies.

Many people are fed up with his refusal to take criticism. This isn't a new thing. His ideas have been shot down here for years.

All he says is that he simply retired. You said that he left on unfavorable terms (with his bosses I'm assuming), and I'm trying to find evidence to see if that's true.

Ok, I misspoke. What I should have said was that he left Planning on unfavorable terms (he says he was transferred) and that he was only in Planning for less than two years. He remained at NYCT for longer, but in other departments apparently not directly related to the stuff he posts about here. So the question is - why was he only there for less than two years? If he knows so much, why was he transferred out?

I see where you're getting at, yes I guess the possibility does exist that there could be sour grapes involved with his opinions posted here and on the Bites website if true.

Thank you. So now you should be able to see why there are doubts related to BrooklynBus's analyses and conclusions and why Edwards' post was almost completely wrong.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Nov 22 18:30:40 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 11:48:47 2011.

You call my knowledge and experience a "casual knowledge"? I find that very insulting. There is one bus fan in particular on that site who has an intimate knowledge of ridership patterns throughout the City. I'm talking about B35 Via church. I'd like you to tell him to his face that his knowledge is only casual. If he ran OP we'd be in much better shape than we are in today.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 18:46:01 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 17:28:18 2011.

I've done nothing but..and quite well for sometime now.

The same cannot be said of you,as all you've done as of yet is parrot yourself..made stupid accusations of racial bias..and a number of other pitiful groundless so called "facts".

Your depravity knows no bounds,sir..along with you constant foolish pandering to the more reasoned among us. More ever..I pity you.
Your continual effort to out maneuver me by posting/stating untruths clearly makes my case for your dishonesty and or insanity issues..

At least make it an HONEST FIGHT..something I can sink my teeth into.
Keep trying,son..there may be hope for you when its all over.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 18:46:34 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 17:29:28 2011.

Parrot mode?


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 18:51:56 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 18:03:43 2011.

Of course you didnt understand what I post..your usual take on things is to take what you want out of content..use it to attempt to disarm your opponent..then insult him/her.

You understood perfectly what I stated..and your utter cowardice betrays your lack of insight.I made my post directly aiming at YOU and others LIKE YOU.

Armchair transit planners..HAH.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 18:58:04 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Railman718 on Tue Nov 22 10:22:27 2011.

YUP...Thats why I do it.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Nov 22 19:49:14 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by ClearAspect on Tue Nov 22 11:51:01 2011.

Ridership pattern on the Bx 12 differ from the B44. It would be erroneous to draw conclusions from one to the other. Another difference is that the B44 local will not use artics.

You don't force people to use a subway station they would rather not use by providing superior service to it and inferior service to the one they want. Free will is alive and well.

Where has it been shown that SBS has been a success? Because you and the MTA say so without any proof?

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Nov 22 19:50:24 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Mr RT on Tue Nov 22 07:10:43 2011.

I never considered myself a bus fan.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Nov 22 19:52:11 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Mon Nov 21 22:51:01 2011.

Thank you for your support.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BigBusDriver on Tue Nov 22 20:18:09 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Tue Nov 22 18:46:34 2011.

Don't forget the foot stomp, crossed arms and girlie screech "I am RIGHT and you are WRONG! WAH WAH WAH!"


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by mcorivervsaf on Tue Nov 22 20:38:49 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BigBusDriver on Tue Nov 22 20:18:09 2011.

If you're keeping track at home, that was Terrapin Station's 5,324,978th 'Unwarranted Personal Attack', and counting. Obviously, he is the world record older!

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by mcorivervsaf on Tue Nov 22 20:43:43 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by mcorivervsaf on Tue Nov 22 20:38:49 2011.

OOPS, that's world record holder!

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Nov 22 21:43:32 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Nov 22 00:52:50 2011.

I'm on vacation this week in Florida (and I'm not riding any buses here), so I haven't had time to follow this thread and respond. All I will say is you will notice that anyone who criticizes me states no facts or backs up anything they say. I on the other hand never say anything without backing it up.

And if anyone wants to know the circumstances under which I left Operations Planning just has to read Part 3 next Monday. I have nothing to be ashamed about or nothing to hide. Many of my ideas have been utilized over the years, some of which the MTA took another 10, 15, or 20 years to come up with the same ideas. I don't hav time to enumerate them all here. Also when I was there I had them revise the B49 run on and run offs which provided 10 extra trips at a lower operating cost. Can any f my critics match that? Not bad for a "casual user", Hank.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 21:54:25 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Nov 22 21:43:32 2011.


All I will say is you will notice that anyone who criticizes me states no facts

That's a huge lie. "Anyone" who criticizes you does state facts or logical reasoning to show why you are wrong.

I on the other hand never say anything without backing it up.

But you failed to say that you back it up with untruths, half-truths, and illogical reasoning. Which is the whole problem.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 21:59:03 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by Edwards! on Mon Nov 21 22:51:01 2011.

Asking again....Edwards is obviously talking out of his ass as usual. His whole post is almost completely wrong and he can't defend any of it. LOL!!!


you have to know what your talking about

His talking about? I don't think he has one. Nor does he know what he's talking about. Nor do you.

since you worked there for so long.

LOL. Worked WHERE for so long? And how long exactly did he work there?

know more about YOUR JOB than you.

What job would that be? LOL.

telling you in a awesome display nervy bullshit that YOU don't have a clue.

Huh? He DOESN'T have a clue. That's the point. Where have you been? Drawing comics?

they don't like HOW you put your articles together

Huh? Who doesn't like how he puts them together? LOL.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by hank eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 22:00:59 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Nov 22 18:30:40 2011.

Your expertise is all about the PAST. Your knowledge is all about how things WERE. Not how they ARE, or how they could be changed for the better NOW while accounting for the changes over the past few years since you've been retired. All you have of TODAYS operations, especially considering that you admit to not riding the services you criticize so much, is CASUAL knowledge.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by hank eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 22:04:00 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Nov 22 21:43:32 2011.


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 22:04:11 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by hank eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 22:00:59 2011.

Hank, don't forget, he also has all the knowledge that the "sophisticated bus riders" over at NYC Transit Forums post! LOL@@@@!!! Just for that statement alone anyone with at least half a brain should have lost all respect for him.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by hank eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 22:04:35 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Nov 22 19:49:14 2011.


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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 22:06:31 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by hank eisenstein on Tue Nov 22 22:04:00 2011.

Remember the time he claimed there was no elevator at Atlantic Av and everyone told him that there was one and he refused to believe them and then I even posted a PHOTO of the elevator and he conveniently never responded to that post and only made a couple more replies in that thread? What a t00l.

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Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Nov 22 22:12:00 2011, in response to Re: How the MTA is Destroying the Local Bus System, posted by BrooklynBus on Tue Nov 22 19:49:14 2011.


Where has it been shown that SBS has been a success?

In the progress reports available on the internet.

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