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Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jun 13 17:26:22 2008

As one may know...the "ghost" scheme is the latest scheme for Greyhound that debuted in later Laidlaw days and has been retained by First. Before that was this scheme, and then the one that I remember for a long time, this one (seen on an MC-12).

My question is: How long was the scheme shown on the MC-12 used, and were there Greyhound liveries before this one? Forgive me if this is a newbie question, but I'm not knowledgeable on Greyhound liveries before my lifetime.

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by Eric B on Fri Jun 13 18:32:13 2008, in response to Greyhound livery history questions, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jun 13 17:26:22 2008.

The one on the MC12 debuted in the mid '80's for what was known as the MC-10 (whatver that first new generation coach that officially used the newer style model numbers 102 or 96A-something). Since the body of that model was slightly redesigned (with the larger windows and the new front), yet the MC12 essentially went back to the MC9 design, the livery was slightly modified for the 12, and that is what is seen there.
So the breakup of the red and blue lines into four smaller lines was the "new look" introduced with the new coaches around '84-5. Before that, the two solid lines continued all the way to the rear, and that was MC9 and older.

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by kcram3500 on Fri Jun 13 18:32:50 2008, in response to Greyhound livery history questions, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jun 13 17:26:22 2008.

The MC-12 livery you show was introduced in 1985 with the 96A3 and 102A3.

The previous red/white/blue was introduced in 1972 (shown here on an MC-5A)

This scheme was applied to all older buses from the Scenicruiser to the MC-7, and was the delivered paint scheme for MC-8s and 9s.

Prior to that was the scheme first used on the MC-6 and 7 in the late 60s:

The scheme replaced the previously used gold Scotchlite striping with the single red stripe.

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by Hart Bus on Fri Jun 13 18:45:00 2008, in response to Greyhound livery history questions, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jun 13 17:26:22 2008.

Adam, your question is a little ambiguous as to whether you mean just MCI's or the whole fleet going back to the GMC days.

In chronological order from my model bus collection (and there are probably gaps in here) the ones I have seen from items on E-bay

1 - Primarily white roof, blue windows in front and fluted sides. I think these were PD-3701's

2 - Scenicruisers originally were White roof on top, blue over lower roof, white band with blue stripes top and bottom with Greyhound and the dog in blue. Then after the major overhaul the blue bands were replaced by gold bands. The third livery was mostly white, block blue letters and underlined by a thin red band. Fourth and final was the "Pepsi" livery with red and blue stripes on the lower roof contining all the way to the back.

3 - PD 4104 & 4106's carried a white roof black bands under the roofline and windows with the dog in white on the silver fluting. Can't offhand remember if they were ever repainted into another livery.

4 - PD 41xx - Not sure. The only picture I have handy has a similar livery to the "This Scheme" pic you linked.

5 - PD 4901 The Golden Chariot. This was a 4104 on Steriods. Only one made as a prototype. The only 'hound picture I've seen had no Greyhound markings and looks to have had a white roof with Trailways type stripes on the roof.

Hope this helps.

Hart Bus

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by Hart Bus on Fri Jun 13 19:00:47 2008, in response to Re: Greyhound livery history questions, posted by Eric B on Fri Jun 13 18:32:13 2008.

According to Larry Plachno's "Modern Intercity Coaches" published in 1997, the MCI numbering system went as follows:

Model # From To

Model 95 1952 1960
Model 96 1956 1960

Then they numbered the models MC-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5A, 5B, 5C, 6, 7, 8,9
from 1959 to 1990.

In 1990 they changed the system to 96 A2, 96 A3, 102 A2, and 102 A3 to represent the width of the bus and whether it had 2 or three axles.

Those buses were in production from 1985 to 1990. When updated in 1990 the numbers were 96 B3 and 102 B3 this went form 1991 - 1994 for the 96 inch bus and until 1993 for the 102 inch bus.

In 1992 the MCI 12 was introduced and still in production as of the date of the book.

The 102 C3 was produced frorm 1988 to 1993. A footnote states that some 2 axle versions were produced.

Lastly 102DL 3 was intro'd in 1990 as a 45 foot bus that still in production in 1997. 102 D3 intro'd in 1994 and still around in 1997.

Not sure when but E, F, G H and J versions were intro'd along the way.

Then for their 2000 year buses they changed the number to 4500, meaning a 45 foot bus built in 2000. I know that there was a 4501.

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by Ken S. on Fri Jun 13 19:03:40 2008, in response to Greyhound livery history questions, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jun 13 17:26:22 2008.

I have a decent selection of GLI (and Trailways) GIFs here. Some of the GIFs need to be redrawn and I have to figure out how to draw the last two schemes though.

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by R68A - 5200 on Fri Jun 13 19:26:32 2008, in response to Re: Greyhound livery history questions, posted by Hart Bus on Fri Jun 13 19:00:47 2008.

Great article here for that:


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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jun 13 19:46:54 2008, in response to Re: Greyhound livery history questions, posted by Hart Bus on Fri Jun 13 19:00:47 2008.

Actually, IINM, the A series was actually introduced in 1985 (with the 96A2/3 and the 102A2/3 a year later).

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by The Flxible Neofan on Fri Jun 13 19:58:07 2008, in response to Re: Greyhound livery history questions, posted by Eric B on Fri Jun 13 18:32:13 2008.

Wow, so there was no different Greyhound scheme before the MC-9s?

That's interesting, I do remember the scheme from the 9s.

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jun 13 20:04:41 2008, in response to Re: Greyhound livery history questions, posted by Hart Bus on Fri Jun 13 18:45:00 2008.

To clarify the question...it would be specifically the liveries of Greyhound even predating the over-the-road motorcoach era.

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by kcram3500 on Fri Jun 13 22:27:34 2008, in response to Re: Greyhound livery history questions, posted by Hart Bus on Fri Jun 13 19:00:47 2008.

Then for their 2000 year buses they changed the number to 4500, meaning a 45 foot bus built in 2000. I know that there was a 4501.

This is an incorrect statement. The "00" meant "initial series", not the year of the bus, and there was never a 4501. The D4000/4500, E4500, and J4500 continue in production to this day... (if they were years, current units would be "08") - the only model that has changed its series number is the D4005/4505.

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by Hart Bus on Sat Jun 14 11:14:17 2008, in response to Re: Greyhound livery history questions, posted by R68A - 5200 on Fri Jun 13 19:26:32 2008.

Thank you for the link. It's a great update to Larry Plachno's book.

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by Hart Bus on Sat Jun 14 11:17:53 2008, in response to Re: Greyhound livery history questions, posted by kcram3500 on Fri Jun 13 22:27:34 2008.

You're probably correct. As the late Gilda Radner would say, as character Emily Latella on Saturday Night Live, "SO SORRY !"

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by Hart Bus on Sat Jun 14 11:28:00 2008, in response to Re: Greyhound livery history questions, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jun 13 19:46:54 2008.

According to the Chart in Larry Plachno's book, both the 96 & 102 were first sold or produced in 1985. However, if you check the link from another poster to the April 2001 issue of National Bus Trader article about MCI also written by Mr. Plachno you'll see this paragraph

" The new 96 A3 and 96 A2 were officially introducted at the same bus industry convention in Salt Lake City in late 1984 which witnessed the debut of the new Setra and LAF coaches from Europe. Deliveries stared in early 1985. Later that year the wide body versions were introduced and marketed as models 102 A3 and 102 A2"

So Adam, your memory is correct, only off by one year.

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by caseyjim on Sun Jun 15 07:32:14 2008, in response to Re: Greyhound livery history questions, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jun 13 19:46:54 2008.

As for the livery that these buses came in, the striped red/white/blue scheme, that dates back to the 1970s when Greyhound made their first change in paint schemes since the 1940s, since when their buses were a basic blue,white and silver from that time until the early 1970s on buses delivered to Greyhound. The MC8 was the first bus to be delivered new in the red/white/blue scheme, while the MC7s and other buses got painted into it as they were shopped for major work. Greyhound buses from the PD4104 Highway Traveler and 4501 Scenicruiser to the 4107 all were originally delivered in the basic blue,white and silver scheme. Even some of the Scenics got the red/white/blue scheme in their final years of Greyhound service. As each new model entered Greyhound service, older buses were taken out of service and many sold to other operators including some upstarts. In WNY, for example, a number of ex Greyhound 4104s found their way to Grand Island Transit Corp. and sister company, Lockport Bus Lines. Generally these buses needed work before being put into service by their new owners,especially since at that time, just about any bus that Greyhound is known to have operated was pretty well worn out by the time Greyhound got through with it. Gray Line of Hawaii used the red/white/blue Greyhound like scheme on their buses, both MC7s and 4905s. When I went to Honolulu in 1979 these buses were painted much like Greyhound's were.

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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by Eric B on Sun Jun 15 10:00:05 2008, in response to Re: Greyhound livery history questions, posted by caseyjim on Sun Jun 15 07:32:14 2008.

There was also a variation in the 70's scheme, where the older MC8's had the actual word "Greyhound" in light gray, and in the MC9's it was blue.

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