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Re: Greyhound livery history questions

Posted by Hart Bus on Fri Jun 13 18:45:00 2008, in response to Greyhound livery history questions, posted by AMoreira81 on Fri Jun 13 17:26:22 2008.

Adam, your question is a little ambiguous as to whether you mean just MCI's or the whole fleet going back to the GMC days.

In chronological order from my model bus collection (and there are probably gaps in here) the ones I have seen from items on E-bay

1 - Primarily white roof, blue windows in front and fluted sides. I think these were PD-3701's

2 - Scenicruisers originally were White roof on top, blue over lower roof, white band with blue stripes top and bottom with Greyhound and the dog in blue. Then after the major overhaul the blue bands were replaced by gold bands. The third livery was mostly white, block blue letters and underlined by a thin red band. Fourth and final was the "Pepsi" livery with red and blue stripes on the lower roof contining all the way to the back.

3 - PD 4104 & 4106's carried a white roof black bands under the roofline and windows with the dog in white on the silver fluting. Can't offhand remember if they were ever repainted into another livery.

4 - PD 41xx - Not sure. The only picture I have handy has a similar livery to the "This Scheme" pic you linked.

5 - PD 4901 The Golden Chariot. This was a 4104 on Steriods. Only one made as a prototype. The only 'hound picture I've seen had no Greyhound markings and looks to have had a white roof with Trailways type stripes on the roof.

Hope this helps.

Hart Bus


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