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Re: Nostalgia Corner: Some Old Bus Lines

Posted by BusMgr on Wed Nov 30 18:13:44 2022, in response to Re: Nostalgia Corner: Some Old Bus Lines, posted by Osmosis Jones on Wed Nov 30 04:10:59 2022.

[I]n the early 00s, NYBS was running new buses on their routes, and their MCI Classics seemed to be in much better shape than Green Bus’ too.

Decisions on the allocation of new buses were made by the City of New York, not by the bus companies themselves. Additionally, the amount that each bus company was "allowed" to spend to maintain buses was limited based on an arbitrary base year, and so some companies were able to spend more per bus on maintenance than other companies. (Companies could spend more than their expense caps, but anything they spent they paid themselves from their assets.) As well, each company used their bus fleets with different intensities. There was never any real effort on the part of the City of New York to reasonably allowable expenses for each company, and in the end the City simply threw up its hands, impliedly declaring its incompetence, and turning the whole thing over to the MTA. The MTA's "solution" was to then increase spending--unlike the private bus companies, the MTA was not bound by any City expense cap--resulting in better service at grossly inflated costs.


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