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Re: MTA Long Island Bus... who really owns the bus vehicles? The answer will shock YOU!

Posted by BedStuyGuy on Sat Jun 11 22:50:06 2011, in response to Re: MTA Long Island Bus... who really owns the bus vehicles? The answer will shock YOU!, posted by Gold_12th on Sat Jun 11 21:43:21 2011.

Ray's statement is actually correct from what I was told. I did a little investigating. MTA holds the option rights to the lot 1760-1839. Orion is currently in talks with the TA to divert the remaining buses from the option to NYCT/MTAB.

1700-1839 were procure under the MTA Regional Bus Operations, unlike any bus in previous years at LIB. 1700-1759 were specifically for LIB. MTA was under the impression that LIB would remain under their umbrella for quite a while. Obviously that changed. But in the Process, the TA purchased 1760-1839 for LIB under an option they held the rights to.

So in all actuality 1760-1839 belong to the MTA, but Walder decided that all the NG's would be LIB property anyway. So yes, all the buses at LIB are owned technically by Nassau County, but the latter 1700's and all of the 1800's were given to them by the MTA. So the MTA and the feds funded all of Nassau's Orion VII's. Now that their contract is coming to an end, Orion is hoping MTA will take the remaining options, which will be 3G's if the option is exercised. According to people involved with the matter, MTA will likely end up taking the optional buses. Especially now that LIB will no longer be a concern.

It's interesting that people say MTA wasn't doing anything at all for LIB, but if that was the true case, they would have never gotten new buses, and service cuts would have been much worse. It's really too bad that Mangano paints a picture that is 100% false.


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