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Re: MTA Long Island Bus... who really owns the bus vehicles? The answer will shock YOU!

Posted by The TransitMan on Sat Jun 11 19:14:44 2011, in response to MTA Long Island Bus... who really owns the bus vehicles? The answer will shock YOU!, posted by gOlD_12tH on Sat Mar 26 22:50:35 2011.

Actually, PART of that information is incorrect!

I recently met a couple of supervisors and operators from MTA Long Island Bus and I asked the question since they all work for that division and BOTH supervisors (from both Mitchell Field and Rockville Centre) told me that:

#1700-1759 are NASSAU COUNTY!

#1760-1839 are M.T.A.! (via The Option Orders)

HOWEVER, as you stated before ALL NGs will remain in Nassau County after the takeover...just POSSIBLY renumbered.

*****Plus NONE of the NGs I saw have what the Orion 05.501 CNG buses have...and that's "OWNED BY THE COUNTY OF NASSAU" but like the whole "Orange Stripe" thing...it's not a big deal.*****


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