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41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 22:06:27 2010

And now let em rip:










































Videos to follow once I upload them onto YouTube, and to be as a subtitle on this thread!

Meanwhile Enjoy them!

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 22:09:42 2010, in response to 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 22:06:27 2010.

A little clarification here, the first one is of our famous Subchatter William A. Padron if those don't know, and the bus one should of been in Bus Chat, but this was not a busfanning mission, and the shot of the Catering Hall got stuck in my photobucket file, so got placed on here, but was taken on the same night as Me and my wife were on a wedding, so you can say in a way was related to my trip!

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Fred G on Mon Oct 25 22:15:57 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 22:09:42 2010.

Cool. Mr. Padron is an aces guy and as for the nonrail pics mixed in....fuggedaboudit.

your pal,

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by arnine on Mon Oct 25 22:18:22 2010, in response to 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 22:06:27 2010.

Thanks for sharing :) Cool pics :)

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 22:39:57 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Fred G on Mon Oct 25 22:15:57 2010.

Yeah sorry, I accidently put them when I realized it was too late!

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 22:40:26 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by arnine on Mon Oct 25 22:18:22 2010.

Your welcome!

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Mon Oct 25 22:58:11 2010, in response to 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 22:06:27 2010.

nice photos
good shooting

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 23:52:03 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Mon Oct 25 22:58:11 2010.

Thank you sir!

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Train Man Paul : Metro-North's Best Conductor FOR ALL 3 LINES!!! on Tue Oct 26 06:59:18 2010, in response to 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 22:06:27 2010.

Nice stuff there, Neil!!! NS action rules the midday time, and CSX rules the early to late afternoon time!! :-)

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 26 07:21:34 2010, in response to 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 22:06:27 2010.

Neil, some constructive criticism: MANY of your zoom shots are out of focus. Do you know why this may be? Do you have IN-FOCUS shots you could have posted instead of the out-of-focus shots?

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 07:43:58 2010, in response to 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 22:06:27 2010.

Neil, did you by chance have your zoom accidently set for manual focus? I saw a coupla photos' EXIF and it said "manual focus" and a lot of your zoomed shots are out of focus. AF is of course easier and more dependable for moving trains but manual focus works, too, but needs practice. The composition and light are really good here but the trains are blurry.

your pal,

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 26 08:16:52 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 07:43:58 2010.

Thanks for taking my post one step further and determining a possible cause for his multiple out of focus zoom shots.

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 08:40:38 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 26 08:16:52 2010.

No prob, I figure Neil and others could benefit from it. I don't always practice what I preach when it comes to checking the settings but it's important to do so. I've screwed up many shots due to simply not checking.

your pal,

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 26 09:18:01 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 08:40:38 2010.

Same here. Though I usually do catch the screw up after and refrain from posting them.

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 26 09:18:05 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 08:40:38 2010.

Same here. Though I usually do catch the screw up after and refrain from posting them.

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 09:27:22 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 26 09:18:05 2010.

Yeah I'm a hard-assed editor too.

your pal,

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Oct 26 12:17:08 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 07:43:58 2010.

I'm still torn between putting my AF on 'one-shot' or 'ai-servo'. I've been unhappy with both, and have taken to focusing on the platform edge or wall where I approximate the train will be when I want my shot...and that doesn't always give good results either.

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 12:29:56 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Oct 26 12:17:08 2010.

I have 3 settings that may correspond to your camera: Manual, Stationary focus, and Constant focus. I use the constant focus for the moving trains as it does what it's name states, constantly focuses on the object pointed at. Is "ai-servo" your cam's version of constant focus? If so I'd recommend it as it freshens up the focus on your subject faster than you can.

your pal,

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Oct 26 12:59:55 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 12:29:56 2010.

It is, but it doesn't feel like it's adjusting quick enough. It may be a limitation of the camera.

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 13:35:18 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Oct 26 12:59:55 2010.

It could be. The new way is to put the AF motor in the lens and not the camera. It's quieter and faster.

your pal,

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Oct 26 13:42:19 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 13:35:18 2010.

Fairly certain every AF SLR I've ever owned has been like this (All Canon EOS series)

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Tue Oct 26 16:35:14 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Train Man Paul : Metro-North's Best Conductor FOR ALL 3 LINES!!! on Tue Oct 26 06:59:18 2010.


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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Tue Oct 26 16:37:11 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 26 07:21:34 2010.

It may be because of movement when I shoot! I'm going to get a better lens that should correct that problem soon!

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Tue Oct 26 16:38:39 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 07:43:58 2010.

Was set on Manual, and everytime I hit the exposure button, when the camera beeps, it tells me it's in focus, then I shoot it! I'm gonna do a little more practice on it!

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 16:41:20 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Tue Oct 26 16:38:39 2010.

Yeahbut, when it's in manual focus, you gotta turn the ring and eyeball it in.

your pal,

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Tue Oct 26 16:48:48 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 16:41:20 2010.

Will do the next time buddy, and thanks for the tip! I'm still not complaining, but yeah for crispness, gotta do it better!

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Now the Videos of the Trip at Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Tue Oct 26 16:55:34 2010, in response to 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Mon Oct 25 22:06:27 2010.

Bound Brook Part 1:

Bound Brook Part 2:

Bound Brook Part 3:

New Brunswick Part 1:

New Brunswick Part 2:

Extensive, and long, and my narrative was a bit screwed up on the trains, but coming home to look at the schedules, the wording in screen form is the right one!

Please note that in New Brunswick 2 at the very beginning, ALP46A 4648 (recently placed into service) is on Train 7847. Sound of the propulsion came out very well, so hope all of you enjoy, and comment!

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Re: Now the Videos of the Trip at Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by arnine on Tue Oct 26 18:55:17 2010, in response to Now the Videos of the Trip at Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Tue Oct 26 16:55:34 2010.

Cool stuff thanks :)

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Re: Now the Videos of the Trip at Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Tue Oct 26 20:15:18 2010, in response to Re: Now the Videos of the Trip at Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by arnine on Tue Oct 26 18:55:17 2010.

Your welcome! ;-)

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 21:07:48 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Hank Eisenstein on Tue Oct 26 13:42:19 2010.

Yeah, the cameras are; the newer lenses are now built with motors so the camera doesn't do the mechanical turning of the screw. For the most part they focus faster.

your pal,

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Tue Oct 26 22:58:12 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 21:07:48 2010.

I'm going to get an IS lens for those real fast shots which should also help with night photography as well! Also evaluating my photos, I'd say about 33% were a tad bit out of focus! Still I'm not complaining! IS Zoom lens counterpart will be my answer though, so loom for it within a few weeks!

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Oct 26 23:10:17 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Tue Oct 26 22:58:12 2010.

Dunno, Neil. I think you should work out your focusing problems before you invest in new glass. Focusing is pretty basic stuff and new lenses aren't going to help that. 33% of 41 photos is a heck of a lot of out of focus shots to post to subchat!

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 23:19:49 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Tue Oct 26 22:58:12 2010.

All the image stabilization in the world won't help things like out of focus shots or motion blur. You may be disappointed in your new lens...UNTIL you learn the basics of focus and shutter speed/aperture/ISO, etc. If you're using a manual focus lens you need to practice focusing on moving objects. Does your lens autofocus and you just choose manual focus? I'm missing something here.

your pal,

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Wed Oct 27 18:23:21 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Fred G on Tue Oct 26 23:19:49 2010.

I got your point here. I'm not spending money into that now anyways, but yes I'm going to work more on that before I invest into new lenses!

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Oct 27 18:47:23 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Wed Oct 27 18:23:21 2010.

Good news.

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Fred G on Wed Oct 27 18:50:39 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Neil Feldman on Wed Oct 27 18:23:21 2010.

You won't be sorry!

your pal,

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Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick

Posted by Neil Feldman on Wed Oct 27 21:32:59 2010, in response to Re: 41 Photos of my NJT Trip Between Bound Brook, and New Brunswick, posted by Fred G on Wed Oct 27 18:50:39 2010.

I know I won't be! And in actuality, my lenses I've had from my first SLR body, and quite frankly do work well on this one too! Just need minor adjustments in my shot!

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