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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by metropod on Mon Apr 20 20:24:22 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Apr 20 14:42:00 2009.

by simple mathmatical probablity, a shot fired in the pitch dark has a chance of hitting it's target. this is nothing more than that.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by metropod on Mon Apr 20 20:25:22 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Newkirk Plaza David on Mon Apr 20 18:16:09 2009.

once does not make up for months of being a pain in the ass.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by GOLD_12th on Tue Apr 21 01:19:09 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by metropod on Mon Apr 20 13:48:19 2009.

I agree. Out of all the crap that Chipper 10 guy who made lots of same guesses and with the same results. This time he got it correct.

Big fucking deal, he needs to make up all other mistakes that he incorrectly predicted.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 01:21:03 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by GOLD_12th on Tue Apr 21 01:19:09 2009.

He probably got lucky plus not to mention was expecting someone to go out and get vids of the R160 announcements of the F on Fulton and the G on Culver.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by GOLD_12th on Tue Apr 21 01:23:08 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Newkirk Plaza David on Mon Apr 20 18:16:09 2009.

You haven't look at the history of Chipper 10 making ridiculously same predictions again again again through SubChat and more on BusChat posting.

He got lucky this time. But still he is a joke on this forums.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by GOLD_12th on Tue Apr 21 01:27:14 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Apr 20 13:29:02 2009.

The same thing goes towards to you, Terrorpain Shition. You haven't yet apologized the way you conducted in the past month.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 05:23:09 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Terrapin Station on Mon Apr 20 14:42:00 2009.

You seem to be smoking that bad shit. (We) don't owe Chipper anything. Is he your biological son? Maybe we outa find out on Maury.

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Re: R160B Ran on the (G) 1 round trip

Posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 05:26:24 2009, in response to Re: R160B Ran on the (G) 1 round trip, posted by R32_3671 on Mon Apr 20 08:36:22 2009.

Why would they operate a 160 on the G line that late? They should have sent out a 46 instead.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 05:27:36 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by metropod on Mon Apr 20 20:25:22 2009.


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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 05:56:55 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 05:23:09 2009.

you do owe chipper a lot of shit. your behavior is disgusting.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by rr4567 on Tue Apr 21 06:02:26 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 05:23:09 2009.


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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 06:18:34 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 05:56:55 2009.

I don't owe Chipper any goddamn thing. My behavior disgusting? Don't think so. Guess you have extreme difficulty grasping fact from fiction.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 08:17:41 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 06:18:34 2009.

You how him several goddams things, starting with respect, and including credit for getting this one totally right. You behavior through now with regards to him has been disgusting.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by d_mind on Tue Apr 21 08:35:00 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 08:17:41 2009.

Did everyone hear that? Brian said something was disgusting, therefore, it must be true!

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Fred G on Tue Apr 21 09:35:27 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by d_mind on Tue Apr 21 08:35:00 2009.

He does have a point. A buncha people constantly attacking a special person is pretty disgusting.

your pal,

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by d_mind on Tue Apr 21 09:44:15 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Fred G on Tue Apr 21 09:35:27 2009.

His constant reminding us of that isn't going to change it. Do you think some people are going to do a complete 180 and play sorry?

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 09:53:15 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Newkirk Plaza David on Mon Apr 20 18:13:39 2009.

And where did he get his info from? For all most of us 'haters' knows - he probably made it up so someone can go out and collect videos of the R160 announcements for him.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Fred G on Tue Apr 21 10:05:15 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by d_mind on Tue Apr 21 09:44:15 2009.

I don't expect anyone to change, just expressing my displeasure at the behavior toward Chipper and that TS is correct for calling people on it. I do believe they should change but reality is what it is. We do get special people who show up here now and then and some of us don't recognize it so they act as though they're purposely posting that way to disrupt the board rather than thinking that the kid might be retahded, as they say in Boston.

There, that's all I got to say and just once.

your pal,

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 12:58:51 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 09:53:15 2009.

Wow. What do you mean where???? Read his post. It's all common sense and logical reasoning, something which Chipper did quite well in this case.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 13:04:39 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Fred G on Tue Apr 21 09:35:27 2009.

Thank you Fred. But remember - he's only potentially a special person. I'm not a doctor, and even if I was, I wouldn't diagnose over the internet.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 13:05:52 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Fred G on Tue Apr 21 10:05:15 2009.

Thanks again Fred. That is precisely my point.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by R30A on Tue Apr 21 13:14:56 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by metropod on Mon Apr 20 20:24:22 2009.

Well, no, it is a LOT more than a shot in the dark.

Chipper made a logical statement,
That logical statement was CORRECT.

Many people attacked him for such a statement.
Now, they look like idiots.

Many different people civilly said that they believed he was wrong. These people made a logical argument for why he would be wrong. Because they did not attack the OP, AND because they made a logical argument, they DO NOT look like idiots. They look like rational people who disagreed with the conclusion based on the premises.

For some reason, the second subset of people who claimed chipper was wrong have apologized for something which they really don't need to(They were very respectful and logical in the first place). For some reason the first subset has not apologized(They were jackasses in the first place and appear set to remain such).

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 13:20:21 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by metropod on Mon Apr 20 20:24:22 2009.

This was nothing like that. Again, he didn't say THERE WOULD BE R-160's on the line, he said THERE MAY BE R-160's on the line, which is exactly how it should have been said. And when you say it that way, you can't be wrong, unless there were very good reasons why having R-160's on the line would be unlikely. And there were no such good reasons. So already he did good. Then it turns out that there WERE R-160's on both lines. So now, not only did he make a good logical statements about possible future events, but the possible future event he was alerting us to actually happened. So what he did was a big help for anyone who would have been interested in riding R-160's on these lines. His post was 100% good/correct/warranted/quality ans 0% bad. And certain people, including those who both did and didn't attack him initially, now refuse to admit that he did good. And that's pathetic.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 13:21:06 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by R30A on Tue Apr 21 13:14:56 2009.

Excellent post, R30A.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by d_mind on Tue Apr 21 13:30:33 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 13:20:21 2009.


In the same vein that you claim they refuse to own up, you also refuse to shut up.

What is your goal here?

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by arnine on Tue Apr 21 13:34:35 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by d_mind on Tue Apr 21 13:30:33 2009.


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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Newkirk Plaza David on Tue Apr 21 13:40:47 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by metropod on Mon Apr 20 20:25:22 2009.

But if Chipper was right then you should have congratulated him instead of making yourself an ass for not A)attacking Chipper and B) Not admitting that you were wrong in attacking him in the first place. Be a man, please, and own up for once that Chipper was right, although I do agree with you that he can be annoying most of the time, Chipper was right for once and you should have acknowledged it.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Newkirk Plaza David on Tue Apr 21 13:41:27 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 05:27:36 2009.

Nope, sorry you are wrong for not apologizing about Chipper's statement.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 14:31:30 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Newkirk Plaza David on Tue Apr 21 13:41:27 2009.

I'm not apologizing for shit. I can't beleive people are siding on that waste of sperm we call Chipper.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 14:33:35 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Newkirk Plaza David on Tue Apr 21 13:40:47 2009.

Chipper was right for once and you should have acknowledged it.

Based on what sources? Without sources, you don't got jack shit. Also, you lose credibility without any sources.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 14:45:43 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 14:33:35 2009.

Sources?? What are you talking about?? He WAS right. It was posted here. All the proff you'd ever need. WTF you think we're lying??

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Tue Apr 21 15:01:16 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by metropod on Mon Apr 20 13:48:19 2009.

Chipper can be annoying. So can many other people on this board. If you don't like his posts, don't read them or don't reply to them.

Personally, while Chipper rarely makes actual contributions to the board, he does start off some interesting and meaningful discussions about the topics he posts questions about. That is more than can be said about some other people here.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 15:16:50 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by d_mind on Tue Apr 21 13:30:33 2009.


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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 15:18:02 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 14:45:43 2009.

On a guess, where's his proof? All i can assume is that he guessed right for a change or wanted someone to get R160 announcements for him.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 15:19:10 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 14:31:30 2009.

All of a sudden they side with him, it still doesn't excuse his behavior especially towards NETO.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 15:26:12 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 15:18:02 2009.

Well, no, it is a LOT more than a shot in the dark.

good logical statements about possible future events

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 15:28:47 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 15:26:12 2009.

So it was just a lucky guess. Still doesn't excuse his past behavior. If he apolgizes to NETO, then I will apologize about him being right. Otherwise I won't apologize.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Railman718 on Tue Apr 21 15:46:01 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 15:28:47 2009.

NETO is still ticked about Chipper or the way he asked for those annoucements..

I told him to let it be not worth it.

I did tell him he didnt have to go off the deep end in his post.

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Re: No R160 (G) train (Photo) R32 (G)

Posted by BarnYard on Tue Apr 21 15:48:26 2009, in response to Re: No R160 (G) train (Photo) R32 (G), posted by QM18Express on Sun Apr 12 23:25:56 2009.

On Sunday April 19th,2009 the 179/Euclid F Service had
R-42's;R-46's & R-160's.
Crew qualification on R-160's was not a big issue;although a bit
of "juggling"took place.
This is why:
1) Anyone hired;promoted;or A to B transfer qualified is trained
on the R-160's as a part of their schoolcar.
2) Just because someone has a picked C job on Sunday does not rule
out R-160 qualification.They may work the Eastern Division the
other 4 days.
3) Any Reassigned C person not qualified would be given an A or D
job by the Crew Office.
4) Crew qualification is just another issue Terminal Supervisors
deal with.It is not a new issue.Terminal Supervision should ask
crews & keep their reliefs & ESPECIALLY the "other end" informed
if an issue arises.
5) As long as the R-160's are spread out & the RR isn't too late,
it doesn't become impossible to deal with.

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Re: No R160 (G) train (Photo) R32 (G)

Posted by Railman718 on Tue Apr 21 15:52:00 2009, in response to Re: No R160 (G) train (Photo) R32 (G), posted by BarnYard on Tue Apr 21 15:48:26 2009.

Spoken like a true Supervisor..

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 16:11:06 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Railman718 on Tue Apr 21 15:46:01 2009.

I'm sorry to hear of that.
True, if chipper would apologize to him, then I would apologize to chipper and his 'supporters'.
I just hope Chipper doesn't continue to harass NETO again in the future.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 16:18:34 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 14:45:43 2009.

Yeah, you heard me right. I'm going to say this again. Without sources, you don't have jack shit.

Would you stop tossing Chipper's salad.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Railman718 on Tue Apr 21 16:31:48 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 16:11:06 2009.

Hes not harassing him trust me...

I did warm him though when we both thought of the idea of doing this that it could lead to useless flame wars..

I was right..

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Railman718 on Tue Apr 21 16:32:12 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Railman718 on Tue Apr 21 16:31:48 2009.

Opps i meant warn...

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 16:37:35 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Railman718 on Tue Apr 21 16:32:12 2009.


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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Kriston Lewis on Tue Apr 21 16:40:32 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Railman718 on Tue Apr 21 16:31:48 2009.

I did warm him though when we both thought of the idea of doing this that it could lead to useless flame wars..

Anything here leads to a useless flame war.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Railman718 on Tue Apr 21 16:58:39 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Kriston Lewis on Tue Apr 21 16:40:32 2009.

Yeah its kinda sad sometimes..

Most of the times i just look at the posts and shake my head i mean my goodness its just a message board.

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Re: R160B Ran on the (G) 1 round trip

Posted by Bill From Maspeth on Tue Apr 21 17:25:56 2009, in response to Re: R160B Ran on the (G) 1 round trip, posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 05:26:24 2009.

Maybe that was all that was available? Or the other train available was an R32 or R42 where they did not have personel to change the signs to Court Sq.?

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Re: R160B Ran on the (G) 1 round trip

Posted by 33rd Street on Tue Apr 21 18:22:44 2009, in response to Re: R160B Ran on the (G) 1 round trip, posted by Bill From Maspeth on Tue Apr 21 17:25:56 2009.

Who knows. I'm just an outsider looking in.

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Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends.

Posted by Terrapin Station on Tue Apr 21 20:23:29 2009, in response to Re: Get your cameras ready, G train and Fulton St in Brooklyn could be running R160 for three weekends., posted by Grand Concourse on Tue Apr 21 16:11:06 2009.

chipper did not harass Easten.

if a retarded person sitting next to you on the bus starts acting all weird and annoying, is he harassing you, or is that simply part of his condition? Likewise, chipper, a potentially special person, is likely posting in the only way he knows how, and does not mean any harm, intentional or not. how in the world would begin to apologize, or even understand what apologizing is, if he is indeed special? why are you demanding this of this type of person? would you demand an apology from a retarded person on the bus?

i hope you finally start to understand.

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