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Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jul 25 09:35:54 2024

Very whimsical that no one posted about it yesterday.

Protesters burned U.S. flags and raised Palestinian flags outside Union Station in Washington, D.C.

a series of dramatic demonstrations from protesters. Earlier in the day, maggots were dumped on a banquet table at a hotel, while fountains around the capital city were dyed blood red.

The protests escalated in the afternoon, with a group outside Washington's train station removing U.S. flags and replacing them with flags of Palestine. Videos shared on social media show the protesters burning an American flag and an effigy, with some dancing in celebration as music plays.

The U.S. Park Police revoked a protest permit for the area a short time later, while Amtrak informed customers of expected delays due to disruptions caused by "protest activity."

The chaotic scene provoked an avalanche of outrage from current and former public officials and others on social media.

"This is an insult to every American who has worn the flag on their arm and died for our nation," former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan wrote on X. "It's disgusting and disgraceful."

"Anti-American, pro-Hamas, antisemitic terrorists are chanting allahu akbar, vandalizing property and burning American flags in DC," former Republican New York lawmaker and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin wrote. "Police should immediately intervene and make arrests! The line of protected free speech has indisputably been crossed."

"I just took this picture from my Senate office. Less than a mile from the U.S. Capitol, pro-Hamas protestors have taken down and burned AMERICAN FLAGS at Union Station to fly Palestinian flags. Absolutely SHAMEFUL," wrote Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama.

At around the same time, Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins wrote on X that "at least a dozen protesters have been arrested as we continue to see sporadic clashes w police around the Capitol and Union Station."


In other news, Ms. Pelosi sided with the protestors calling it the worst speech of our time.
No word yet if Harris will post bail for these insurrectionists as she is known to often do.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Jul 25 10:08:12 2024, in response to Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jul 25 09:35:54 2024.

Please keep your fake ass political moral outrage contained to the proper forums.

Thank you.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Thu Jul 25 10:17:24 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Edwards! on Thu Jul 25 10:08:12 2024.

This should outrage everyone.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jul 25 10:34:45 2024, in response to Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jul 25 09:35:54 2024.

On the plus side, pelosi is older than biden. May we all live to send our condolences

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jul 25 13:58:36 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Thu Jul 25 10:17:24 2024.

Yes, but the political commentary should be kept on OTChat. The delay portion is appropriate here.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jul 25 17:31:21 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jul 25 13:58:36 2024.

Where's the political commentary???? (keeping in mind that you are the person in OTChat who didn't know that the public information of Biden ever ran and quit 40 years ago for cheating)

Amtrak is too political for subchat now because it's gov't run??? Huh?

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jul 25 17:32:24 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Edwards! on Thu Jul 25 10:08:12 2024.

Do you think they should've destroyed the trains and spraypaint a policial message on there so you can yell about censoring the post?

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jul 25 17:34:14 2024, in response to Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jul 25 09:35:54 2024.

Amtrak Joe should give a statement about this. Since there are posts wanting to make a political statement for something that was originally a-political.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Train Dude on Thu Jul 25 17:51:28 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by mtk52983 on Thu Jul 25 13:58:36 2024.

splitting hairs now

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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Jul 26 00:01:37 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jul 25 17:32:24 2024.

Don't be your usual self..
Think outside the box for a damn change,as impossible a task that might be.

Bottom line, and I sure there are many more who agree,than disagree, that the event was under control, unlike the January 6 riot you were involved in.


YOU can Kindly shut the fuck up, now, stupid little girl.

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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Jul 26 00:01:43 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Thu Jul 25 17:32:24 2024.

Don't be your usual self..
Think outside the box for a damn change,as impossible a task that might be.

Bottom line, and I sure there are many more who agree,than disagree, that the event was under control, unlike the January 6 riot you were involved in.


YOU can Kindly shut the fuck up, now, stupid little girl.

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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Fri Jul 26 10:35:22 2024, in response to Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children, posted by Edwards! on Fri Jul 26 00:01:37 2024.

Interesting that your title changed to something political and not transit related.

Violating your own rules? Guess we can't take you seriously.

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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Fri Jul 26 11:03:30 2024, in response to Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children, posted by Edwards! on Fri Jul 26 00:01:43 2024.

Keep your hand away from your fly. You're not raping anyone today in "protest" like I told you in ot.

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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Train Dude on Fri Jul 26 12:43:42 2024, in response to Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Fri Jul 26 11:03:30 2024.


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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Jul 26 14:14:22 2024, in response to Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Fri Jul 26 11:03:30 2024.



Instead of just admitting that you fucktards were mistaken,in error, you rather shot off with your shit covered lying mouth.

Shows the fact that you, and the rest of you Maggots Maga lack honor and dignity.

Like I said..
Fuck all of you with a donkey dick.

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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Jul 26 14:18:31 2024, in response to Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children, posted by Train Dude on Fri Jul 26 12:43:42 2024.

This is more of the same crap.
GI Joe Boy is mad, You are Mad, cause I called you out. I will Keep doing Just that,as long as You maggots post your BIGOTED BULLSHIT.


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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Fri Jul 26 14:25:42 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Edwards! on Thu Jul 25 10:08:12 2024.


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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Train Dude on Fri Jul 26 14:33:10 2024, in response to Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children, posted by Edwards! on Fri Jul 26 14:18:31 2024.

Algonquin j. Calhoun
2 line rule invoked.

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Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jul 27 06:39:07 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Edwards! on Thu Jul 25 10:08:12 2024.

It's not fake, it's actually moral versus your crapstain rantings, and it's about Amtrak. So GFYS.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jul 27 06:39:39 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Thu Jul 25 10:17:24 2024.


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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jul 27 06:41:56 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by chicagoMotorman on Fri Jul 26 14:25:42 2024.

Look at you, agreeing with an antisemite. Since when did you get into hypocrisy and self-hatred? Looks like your "not one grain of sand" rhetoric is ringing hollow.

Not to mention, this is about Amtrak and antisemites attacking the train station. That's not for OTChat.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Train Dude on Sat Jul 27 07:31:46 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jul 27 06:41:56 2024.

Correct! If the French train vandalism can be discussed here, then the sub-human low-life leftists Attacking Amtrak is fair game here as well.

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Re: not Amtrak

Posted by AlM on Sat Jul 27 09:58:55 2024, in response to , posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jul 27 06:39:07 2024.

Please explain how this is about Amtrak.

In other news, Ms. Pelosi sided with the protestors calling it the worst speech of our time.
No word yet if Harris will post bail for these insurrectionists as she is known to often do.

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Re: not Amtrak

Posted by Train Dude on Sat Jul 27 10:09:57 2024, in response to Re: not Amtrak, posted by AlM on Sat Jul 27 09:58:55 2024.

The venue of the protest made it site relevant you ball-less weasel.

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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Edwards! on Sat Jul 27 21:27:28 2024, in response to Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Fri Jul 26 10:35:22 2024.

The One outstanding,year infamously bad habit that All of you Republicans suffer from,is a sense of grandeur.

This Clearly is a linkage issue, to under inflated ego, but over inflated ID.

You Willingly dismiss sound logic.
Sound discipline, and anything relating to common sense.
You rather embrace the absurd,banial and ridiculous as "normal".

What passes for Normal for You,is nothing more than mass hysterias.

You embroidered a rather particular madness, that has defined the very picture of what TOXICITY appears to be.

Moreover, because this is group based, you treat each other as co depending knuckle dragging Idiots feeding on one orange banana.

Every One of "You",posts absolute drivel, based on Nothing but false narratives,your EGOs, and your "tender feelings".

To support your "crap".
You lie, gaslight and lie even more.

You can't stand criticism or "correction",so when faced with those things, you resort to being "BASIC".

YOU have become your own worst enemy, and don't even know it.

And to add to your crazy, you honestly believe that You're opinion/opinions Have weight.. that You have options, while no one else does.

This Is pure comedy.

What You should be concerned about, is getting your GI Joe back,along with Robin the Boy Wonder.

Those are The unresolved issues you have within your life..that has turned you into this demogorge you show all today.

Your opinion of ME,Matters very little to Me.
The very fact that you,and several others have attempted to attack my sense of self,in order to "make yourself feel better"tells Me more about You..than anything you thought you could accomplish.

To close, there is NOTHING YOU CAN SAY OR DO.
YOU don't like what I have to say, do what Train Dude Francis does, not respond TO ME..But respond via proxy.

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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Train Dude on Sat Jul 27 22:02:05 2024, in response to Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children, posted by Edwards! on Sat Jul 27 21:27:28 2024.

It looks like someone is trying to prove

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Chicagomotorman on Sun Jul 28 20:26:14 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jul 27 06:41:56 2024.

It belongs on OT Chat not here.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 23:08:25 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Olog-hai on Sat Jul 27 06:41:56 2024.

Who the fuck you calling an antisemite, you cuckold bitch?

My family is Hebrew, you ass.

Not only are you a cowardly bitch, you are a supporter of Anti American sentiment, seeking to recruit others to your cause.
You are fucking Nazi sympathetic.. making You the "antisemitic" .

You are a danger to the very freedoms and liberty you take clear advantage of..a traitorous son of a bitch who deserves to die for the part you played during the "insurrection".

You deserve Death... and worse.

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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 23:20:10 2024, in response to Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children, posted by Train Dude on Sat Jul 27 22:02:05 2024.

It looks like you are hard pressed for some recognition, so let me give you some.

Your mom had a sweet mouth.I have,to this very day,vivid memories of how she worked so hard at perfecting her craft.

She could literally suck your soul out, and give it back..that how good she gave head.

Is That why you grew up knowing how to suck the Johnson so well?

No doubt she allowed you to take part in her fun..
Double teaming your victims, right?

Guess the fruit never falls far from the tree.

Also, you bitch ass cracka, you really need to get a better handle on your shit, thinking Anything you might post here would be "insulting" to me.
I make YOU "fold like a napkin".. not the other way around, you cum


YOU GO LOW, I send you on a trip through hell and back.

So, from the bottom of my heart, Francis..
Eat a ton of trump shit, and die a horrible agonizing death..

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 23:33:58 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Train Dude on Sat Jul 27 07:31:46 2024.

Fuck off, Francis.
There is something called Common decency,that I'm sure you bitch ass niggas have never heard of.
You reek of putridity.
Why you even exist,is a wonder I'm sure scientists are exploring at this very moment.

Being a dinosaur,a fucking throwback, you strive to reduce the world You Can't understand into a knuckle dragging,sloped foreheaded social envelope of dimwitted neanderthals.. just like You.

Why, Francis?
Does it bother you THAT MUCH..that even in a room full of idiots, YOU Still are the Low man on the poll?
You Are the Bottom Bitch, guaranteed to be the most "dependable dumbest,most dependable idiotic"?

What an achievement.

Carry on, you vile waste of flesh.
You continue to amuse me.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 23:50:37 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Thu Jul 25 10:17:24 2024.

What the hell are you talking about?
You "people" only get "outraged" when you believe it will bring you more asskissing nose deep into the anus of your beloved master of pandemonium.
If You cant politicize it,then you could give less than two shits.

You phoney bastards!
You disgusting hypocrites.
How Long will it take for you to understand that All of the "things you care about, the things that You deem IMPORTANT", is less than nothing,in the REAL Scheme of things..

Your pretenses, your fake patriotism, your false outrage and concerns are All self serving.. selfish as fuck.
You could care less about Protesting, unless it's people who You don't agree with.
You can kiss the entire ass of Your master, and he Still wouldn't give a fuck about You, your Momma, your entire family, even if they were dying in their Trumpism.


You are a sheep,in the company of Wolves, trying to Be A Wolf.


No wonder Trump and his cronies are able to play all of you like the fiddles you are.

You have a good day.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Train Dude on Mon Jul 29 09:33:13 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 23:50:37 2024.

Looks like calhoun dun woke up on the wrong side of his refrigerator box.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Train Dude on Mon Jul 29 12:30:31 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 23:33:58 2024.

Edwards: Infinite monkey
It looks like someone is trying to prove

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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Train Dude on Mon Jul 29 12:31:31 2024, in response to Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children, posted by Edwards! on Sun Jul 28 23:20:10 2024.

Algonquin J. Calhoun
Little, Angry Old black man!

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Jul 29 12:32:41 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Train Dude on Mon Jul 29 09:33:13 2024.

Guess you should invest more into what "content, syntax and nuance" actually are.
Let me help you out.

What You may have perceived as "Yelling",was nothing more than emphasis to a point.
It Might have helped you with clarification if I used italics for classification, but that would be giving you far too much.

You Must be a savant, given your former occupation,And your lack of Basic literary comprehension Here!

What is it, Francis?
Has it dawned on you, finally?
Where is that bravado,that surely swagger you Used to have,as you bullied your way around this board?

All I see now is a deflated ego, still clinging to bygones.

No shame in "taking a knee".
If you "ain't got it,then you ain't got it".

You HAD a Nice Run,kid..

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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Jul 29 13:00:25 2024, in response to Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children, posted by Train Dude on Mon Jul 29 12:31:31 2024.


It's that bad for you, now.

What are you expecting?
Some outrageous outburst?
Some profanity laced retorts?

You know, I have never posted a photo, or meme.
I never saw the need.
My verbal dash is awesome, so I don't need "assistance" to drive my Point home.

What You have done,is SHOW me your underbelly.

You rolled over, and didn't know you were doing it.

Again, Why would I be "insulted" by You posting a pic of some fella?




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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Edwards! on Mon Jul 29 13:32:40 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Train Dude on Mon Jul 29 12:30:31 2024.


"You go low,I take you on a trip through Hell, and back"!

I believe my "point" has been proven.

If That is Your "Best",then damn..I REALLY DEFANGED you.

It's a good thing,too.
You were bitting the clients when you were going deep throat.

Now,it should be smooth sailing.
No teeth.

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Re: not Amtrak

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Mon Jul 29 14:03:27 2024, in response to Re: not Amtrak, posted by Train Dude on Sat Jul 27 10:09:57 2024.


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Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Mon Jul 29 14:03:43 2024, in response to Re: Disturbing.. premature baby grows up to be a Hoover Vaccum, keep him away from Your children, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Fri Jul 26 10:35:22 2024.

Where's A1M at??

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Olog-hai on Mon Jul 29 16:40:31 2024, in response to Re: not Amtrak, posted by AlM on Sat Jul 27 09:58:55 2024.

You really have no brain, do you? All about the "protesters" at Union Station owned by Amtrak, obviously, never mind those people mentioned being those who fund Amtrak.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Olog-hai on Mon Jul 29 16:44:10 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Chicagomotorman on Sun Jul 28 20:26:14 2024.

No; it's about Amtrak and their Washington Union Station, and their rail service being delayed by these unconstitutional acts of terrorism. It belongs here.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by chicagoMotorman on Tue Jul 30 08:29:43 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Olog-hai on Mon Jul 29 16:44:10 2024.

Why do you think OT Chat was conceived? For posts like this.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 30 10:27:41 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Edwards! on Mon Jul 29 13:32:40 2024.

2 line rule invoked again. I simply do not read your rankings and rattling so I guess it serves to relieve some mental pressure within you. Although, with your level hatred.......

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 30 13:22:27 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Train Dude on Tue Jul 30 10:27:41 2024.

That should have read your rantings and ravings. The rest stands.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Olog-hai on Tue Jul 30 15:01:22 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by chicagoMotorman on Tue Jul 30 08:29:43 2024.

For posts about railroads being attacked? No. This post belongs on this forum.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Tue Jul 30 15:11:05 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by chicagoMotorman on Tue Jul 30 08:29:43 2024.

Ok, so all train posts will be moved to OTChat. I will link and reference your new rule each time I see a post.

Thanks for your submission.

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Olog-hai on Tue Jul 30 15:23:46 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Orange Blossom Special on Tue Jul 30 15:11:05 2024.

Don't you dare 🙂

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Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists

Posted by Edwards! on Tue Jul 30 19:25:39 2024, in response to Re: Amtrak delayed, Union Station gets occupied by Insurrectionists, posted by Olog-hai on Tue Jul 30 15:01:22 2024.

The "railroad" wasn't "attacked", you attention seekingan whore.
You sensationalizing the situation did Nothing to help,neither has your commiserating with the 5 alarmists.

Since you are a Traitorous scumbag, you couldn't care less about "cause and effect".. except if it helps spread fear and loathing.

This is Exactly what You traitorous Insurectionist fake ass patriot NAZI bastards want.
Disharmony,discord,terror fear, hate.

Fuck You, stinking son of a bitch.

One of these days, you are going to receive exactly what you are asking for,with the desired results...but Not in the manner You want.

Watch my words..
You plant wicked seeds, you grow wicked crops.

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