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Woke Liberals...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 30 22:57:53 2023

Was coming in from work at Penn Station this evening.. stopped to get a cup of coffee at the D.D on the upper level near the rebuilt entrance.
Stood in line to order, with a young man dressed up in a floral outfit.
Didn't care, wanted my coffee.

The individual's order was coffee and muffin.

That won't take long.

Out of the blue,he/she started making demands to the nice lady who had been working there for years on top of years.
She's a good soul, very passionate about her job.

This guy started berated her because she didn't put butter on his muffin.
She tells him that she placed his order exactly the way he wanted, but she was willing to do as he asks, but he needed to lower his tone, stop yelling at her.

That seems to set him off.
He said to her


She responded with..
"That's fine and dandy.. your muffin is coming.."

"You need to learn your Place.. you ignorant cow!'

She looked at him, and said

"That's fine... your muffin is coming.."

"It better be right, you fat bitch!"

She stopped what she was doing.. and said..

"Look SIR, you Never asked for butter on your muffin.
You have been nothing but nasty to me, and the staff.
You think this is fun for us?

Now, I don't know what You have going on, but I will not be disrespected by You,and serve you too.
Now, make up your mind.
Which do you want more..
Me being a "bitch" or getting your buttered muffin?"

This dude picked a fight with my friend.. because he forgot to ask for butter?

He ramped up his entitled attacks on her..
"Fat Bitch.. fat bitch.. give me my muffin get to work bitch..*

About right now, I had enough.
I didn't get my coffee, yet, and he's holding up the line, talkin crap to her.

I finally said to him..
'You know, you should not have called her a fat bitch,dude.Shes the on putting the butter on your muffin"

I betchu she spit on it.."

Nah, don't say that..

"Brah, you can't go around calling women "bitch", and here it is YOU ARE calling your self her/she/miss..by Choice.
She doesn't have that choice.. she's already a She.

You do Not have the right to insult her, especially while she is doing You a kindness...'
This entitled man girl didn't seem to comprehend what common courtesy was, and continued to rag on her..
She kindly gave him/her the food product, and said "You enjoy that, Hun..."

I looked at the lady,she was staring intensely at him/her with a look that could freeze the soul.
The Person, paused right in tracks...then walked away in a huff, tossing the muffin in the trash...

The lady behind the counter bust out laughing.. and I couldn't help but get a chuckle or two in myself.

I guess he/she thought heavy about what I said, and didn't appreciate the perceived EXTRA flavors that was Possibly added to sweeten up that muffin they wanted so badly.

She told me she hear what I said, and wanted to play up to it.
She said she would never actually do that, but she wanted the man child to think about it..

Good for her.. and good for him/her.

Next time, he'll remember that situation and, rethink his attitude and treat food service people with respect.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by jimmymc25 on Thu Nov 30 23:13:24 2023, in response to Woke Liberals..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 30 22:57:53 2023.

That lady's a saint to have put up with that scumbag and not let loose on him.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 30 23:36:48 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by jimmymc25 on Thu Nov 30 23:13:24 2023.

When I tell you she's a sweetheart, she's a Sweetheart.
She is the Main reason why I still go there.

She knows customer service.
Knows how to treat them, tries to remember you, your preferences and goes the extra mile to make sure your order is correct.

That "customer" was just a entitled asshole,who thought he could wave his "Alphabet People Flag" at folks, and they were automatically supposed to kiss ass..I mean really get up in those cheeks.

She remained Professional, through and through, while Miss Thang was having a moment.

It's all good though.
She got Payback messing with his head

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Re: Woke Leftists...

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Dec 1 10:40:12 2023, in response to Woke Liberals..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 30 22:57:53 2023.

These people were never told no in their whole lives, and that they were special snowflakes.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Mitch45 on Fri Dec 1 11:53:00 2023, in response to Woke Liberals..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 30 22:57:53 2023.

Useful idiots

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Bill Newkirk on Fri Dec 1 12:41:43 2023, in response to Woke Liberals..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 30 22:57:53 2023.

Did Mr/Ms snot nose pay for the muffin ?

Glad I wasn't there.

Bill M.

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Re: Woke Leftists...

Posted by Spider-Pig on Fri Dec 1 15:24:20 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Mitch45 on Fri Dec 1 11:53:00 2023.

For whom? Who exactly is being supported by this shithead?

We can speculate. (I can almost guarantee you that he identifies as a “socialist”), but in what fucking way is he useful?

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Italianstallion on Fri Dec 1 15:37:04 2023, in response to Woke Liberals..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 30 22:57:53 2023.

No, not a woke liberal. Woke people don’t insult workers. Liberals don’t insult workers, Woke people and liberals stand up for workers.

Just a garden-variety asshole.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Italianstallion on Fri Dec 1 15:38:24 2023, in response to Woke Liberals..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 30 22:57:53 2023.

PS, what does this post have to do with subways?

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Jackson Park B Train on Fri Dec 1 16:14:15 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Italianstallion on Fri Dec 1 15:38:24 2023.


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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by transitbuff on Fri Dec 1 16:30:29 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Italianstallion on Fri Dec 1 15:37:04 2023.

Wrong!! Liberals berate ANYONE who seems less woke than they are!!

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Elkeeper on Fri Dec 1 16:42:51 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Jackson Park B Train on Fri Dec 1 16:14:15 2023.

KEEP YOUR "WOKE' CRAP ON O/T CHAT! The rest of us could not care less!!!

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Dec 1 18:20:18 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Bill Newkirk on Fri Dec 1 12:41:43 2023.

Yes,He paid for the food,stood by the counter next to the Lottery machine..took out his muffin, went back to the counter in a huff.. twirling his hand in the air that held his disappointment.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Dec 1 18:34:49 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Elkeeper on Fri Dec 1 16:42:51 2023.

How could I address your rude ass behavior, without being ridiculous like you...hmmm.

Well, I Was in a Train station..I Just got off NJTransit..
I stopped to get a coffee..In Penn Station.
I still needed to catch the Subway from there to get home.

So I guess it Is a on topic Rail adventure, if you can call it that, just not one to suit Your liking.

Not only that, cause I actually wanted to see Who was paying attention to the header.
I wanted to see how many would get their panties in a twist.

It's funny.. that You and two others would whine about this, when You had the choice Not to even read the post.

You WANT that smoke!

However, I think I'll continue on, without flaming you.
It's unnecessary, and nobody wants to be bothered with it.

Next time, though, remember You are not the "Internet police", not the person who can tell me to do Anything.. and Should consider how hard I clap back.

Moving right along...

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Dec 1 18:37:09 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Italianstallion on Fri Dec 1 15:38:24 2023.

I was in a Train station.
Penn Station.
Getting a large coffee.
The incident happened In PENN STATION.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Edwards! on Fri Dec 1 19:01:36 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Italianstallion on Fri Dec 1 15:38:24 2023.

I was in a Train station.
Penn Station.
Getting a large coffee.
The incident happened In PENN STATION.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by The Silence on Fri Dec 1 21:50:47 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by transitbuff on Fri Dec 1 16:30:29 2023.

That is a complete fabrication.

That is your inability to comprehend another person’s perspective.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by The Silence on Fri Dec 1 21:53:15 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 30 23:36:48 2023.

Whatever happened to “the customer is always right”…?

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by New Flyer #857 on Sat Dec 2 08:44:49 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by The Silence on Fri Dec 1 21:53:15 2023.

I have never either understood that saying or experienced it in my own transactions (on either side of the proverbial counter).

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by rkba on Sat Dec 2 12:49:41 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Italianstallion on Fri Dec 1 15:37:04 2023.

they routinely go after anyone that doesn't partake in their demented worldview.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Italianstallion on Sat Dec 2 16:24:15 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by rkba on Sat Dec 2 12:49:41 2023.


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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Italianstallion on Sat Dec 2 16:25:58 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Edwards! on Fri Dec 1 18:34:49 2023.

Lol. You tell us we don’t have to read the post. But you posted it so people would read it and give you the attention you crave.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Italianstallion on Sat Dec 2 16:27:32 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Italianstallion on Fri Dec 1 15:38:24 2023.

It happened in a coffee shop, which could have been anywhere. No relation to trains whatsoever. We have OTChat so the sane ones among us don’t have to read such crap.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by rkba on Sat Dec 2 16:54:00 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Italianstallion on Sat Dec 2 16:24:15 2023.

get your head out of your ass.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Dec 2 21:07:02 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by The Silence on Fri Dec 1 21:50:47 2023.

Or it’s what Fox News has taught them “liberal” means. I won’t surrender our word.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Dec 2 21:08:28 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Italianstallion on Fri Dec 1 15:37:04 2023.

IAWTP about liberals. And there’s no evidence any “woke” people are involved.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Dec 2 21:34:33 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by New Flyer #857 on Sat Dec 2 08:44:49 2023.


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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Orange Blossom Special on Sun Dec 3 00:48:15 2023, in response to Woke Liberals..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 30 22:57:53 2023.

Only in America....or more specifically stupid ny'ers and libtards.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Italianstallion on Sun Dec 3 12:41:47 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by rkba on Sat Dec 2 16:54:00 2023.

As long as we’re getting personal, go fuck yourself.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Italianstallion on Sun Dec 3 12:42:46 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Dec 2 21:07:02 2023.

Plus 1,000

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Italianstallion on Sun Dec 3 12:43:13 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Dec 2 21:08:28 2023.


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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Italianstallion on Sun Dec 3 12:44:33 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Orange Blossom Special on Sun Dec 3 00:48:15 2023.

Says Florida man.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Chicagomotorman on Sun Dec 3 13:24:39 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Dec 2 21:07:02 2023.


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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Train Dude on Sun Dec 3 14:37:43 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Spider-Pig on Sat Dec 2 21:07:02 2023.

There is a perfect example of a woke liberal pos. Ryan Invoking the FOX offensive.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Train Dude on Sun Dec 3 14:43:37 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Train Dude on Sun Dec 3 14:37:43 2023.

I appologoze as i don't know where the name "ryan" came from but piggy is fond of invoking the FOX offensive as are virtually all woke socialists.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Jackson Park B Train on Sun Dec 3 15:00:41 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Train Dude on Sun Dec 3 14:43:37 2023.

While I consider myself a socialist on many issues, I reject "woke" and if the incident went down as described, the abusive "customer" demonstrated a total lack of working class solidarity.
Now, I would remind TD that he worked many years for a socialist enterprise without having been dragooned, drafted, or in any other manner forced to remain in the employ of an organization whose basic aims he claims to oppose.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by https://salaamallah.com/ on Sun Dec 3 15:53:39 2023, in response to Woke Liberals..., posted by Edwards! on Thu Nov 30 22:57:53 2023.



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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Dec 3 17:43:07 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by rkba on Sat Dec 2 12:49:41 2023.

I believe the "twirling thing" convinced me More than anything he/she said.
It signaled the total disregard and disrespectful nature of the individual towards Anyone, much less a food service worker.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Dec 3 17:45:45 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by The Silence on Fri Dec 1 21:53:15 2023.

LOL 😂!
You and I both know that has NEVER been true, and Im glad to see some retailers actually following up with that mindset.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Dec 3 17:46:26 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by New Flyer #857 on Sat Dec 2 08:44:49 2023.


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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Dec 3 18:07:57 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Orange Blossom Special on Sun Dec 3 00:48:15 2023.

Honestly speaking, this is a Universal problem.
It's Not limited to "New Yorkers,or liberals".

It's a "people thang"...
You choose to act like an ass to others, when you don't have to.
You Know right from wrong, good and evil,bad behavior vrs Good behavior.

Does it Really make a difference what political spectrum you lean to,or fit squarely within?
No,it doesn't.

People Use politics, political affiliates, and other absolutely ridiculous language to quantify people.
Put Them into a neat little box,to separate Themselves from,in order to create an SAFE SPACE FOR THEIR BIGOTRY.
That's All it Is,all it's Ever been.

Simply put, using Your example, there is just as much or more universal bad behavior Committed by the Far Right Conservative..as outlined within the "political spectrum" as of late, even admittedly.
The former president even said out of his own mouth that His chosen party has been "at WAR with American Democracy".

Being the ever catalyst,he knew saying such things might tick off a few check boxes, but his ego tells him to do certain things to "piss off the Libs".
So,he opens his mouth,out falls a bone...

So Now you understand Why I choose "woke liberal" for my header.

I already Knew the outcome, but wanted to see Who would respond "non politically",or as a person who just knows better.

You utterly failed... and didn't even know why

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Dec 3 18:10:28 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Italianstallion on Sun Dec 3 12:44:33 2023.


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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Dec 3 18:24:03 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Italianstallion on Sat Dec 2 16:27:32 2023.

You Didn't "have to read it"

You Choose to read it, and formulate an opinion.

All of That was within Cognitive Abilities to Control.
You attempted to demean and belittle by stating Your criteria, Your standard, and Your "authoritative idealisms".

What I am saying is, You allowed yourself to fall Right in your own BIGOTRY.
If you noticed, I Never called the person "liberal" within the post,nor did I say who he Precisely was.
I Only issued hints allegations, and that's that.

I clearly outlined the Behavior, the interactions, and the results.

And I clearly stated the Location of said "coffee shop"

I don't care if you agree if it was a rail story or not.
What it Did point out,was how fucked up of a human being You are, when You don't control the narrative.

Go take a time out, for being an asshole.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Dec 3 18:28:59 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by Italianstallion on Sat Dec 2 16:25:58 2023.

What a bunch of nonsense.
No wonder it was so easy for you to step right into Your crap, and Not even see it.

Thanks for that.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by Fisk Ave Jim on Sun Dec 3 18:35:49 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by The Silence on Fri Dec 1 21:53:15 2023.

I worked in customer service for several years. One must realize that there are many folks out there that are just plain bust out insane, just needing a situation to light the fuse. The customer is always right was never part of anyone's mindset. Just move 'em in and move 'em out and have a nice day.

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Re: Woke Liberals...

Posted by BILLBKLYN on Sun Dec 3 18:38:51 2023, in response to Re: Woke Liberals..., posted by The Silence on Fri Dec 1 21:53:15 2023.

FUCK the costomer!!

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Train Dude on Sun Dec 3 19:38:47 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Jackson Park B Train on Sun Dec 3 15:00:41 2023.

I've many times refuted that ignorant argument. Municipal agencies are not socialist. Its the weak argument of the weak minded.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Jackson Park B Train on Sun Dec 3 20:36:49 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Train Dude on Sun Dec 3 19:38:47 2023.

No. the broad definition of socialism is government owned and operated entities.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Train Dude on Mon Dec 4 06:55:57 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Jackson Park B Train on Sun Dec 3 20:36:49 2023.

I suggest thst you retain a lawyer and due the school you attended. You know, the socialist school you went to.

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Re:Just an Asshole

Posted by Train Dude on Mon Dec 4 08:12:42 2023, in response to Re:Just an Asshole, posted by Train Dude on Mon Dec 4 06:55:57 2023.


I suggest that you retain a lawyer and sue the school you attended. You know, the socialist school you went to.

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