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Re: Myrtle Line Express Track

Posted by Larry,RedbirdR33 on Wed Sep 29 20:28:34 2010, in response to Myrtle Line Express Track, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Sep 29 08:39:44 2010.

I did some research on the abandoned express track on the Mytle Avenue Line and came up with the following.

The late David Rogoff wrote an article entitled "BRT-BMT Eastern Division Abandoned Trackage" which appeared in the April, June and August 1968 issues of the NYD Bulletin. In this article he states that as part of the Dual Contract rebuilding of the Myrtle Avenue El north of Broadway a third track was installed. This track was never used in revenue service and was removed sometime after World War II.

Mr Bernard Linder wrote a series of articles about the Myrtle Avenue including track plans which ran in The Bulletin from November, 1996 to February, 1997. The December. 1996 issue has detailed track plans of the el both before and after the Dual Contracts. The center express track is shown as extending from a point south of Central Avenue through Wycloff Avenue to a point just south of the Seneca Avenue Station. The only switches were at the southern end so the center track could only be used for layups. Also the center tracks could only be accessed by Myrtle Chambers trains and not those coming from Jay Street. According to Mr Linder the third track was removed by 1949. I seem to recall the bumping block at Seneca Avenue but I'm not sure if its still there.

Larry, RedbirdR33


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