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Re: SubChat Exposé (Re: Encounter With Security Guard At 23rd Street)

Posted by Nilet on Fri Jul 23 21:45:51 2010, in response to Re: SubChat Exposé (Re: Encounter With Security Guard At 23rd Street), posted by Train Dude on Fri Jul 23 20:45:39 2010.

Keep in mind what Albert Einstein said:

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

Just so you are aware, Einstein didn't say that, it's not actually true, and your implied premise that I am engaging in the activity you deride is false.

Then there is my philosophy;

"If one person calls you a jackass, you ignore them but when everyone does, start looking for a straw hat with cutouts for your ears and get used to wearing a saddle."

It seems you're the only one calling me as such. Chris recanted everything as soon as he got busted, and Olog isn't actually human so he doesn't count.


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