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Re: CALTRAIN Prepares for Electrification

Posted by WillD on Mon Mar 29 14:34:41 2010, in response to Re: CALTRAIN Prepares for Electrification, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Mon Mar 29 14:07:54 2010.

Keep telling yourself that, but all evidence at the moment is to the contrary. Unlike the shortsighted fools that are currently getting the press a few folks seem to have realized that now is the time to prepare for future growth. The economy will eventually recover, and when it does our need for transportation will be that much greater than it was before the Bush recession. Constructing the infrastructure to support that greater demand now allows us to get in on the lower construction prices in this depressed market and support the contractors which have been most severely impacted by the recession.

As has been established the California HSR project is cheaper than making the requisite improvements to the Ontario and Palmdale airports, constructing a third Bay Area airport, connecting those airports to their nearby urban centers, and making the highway improvements to provide greater capacity in the central valley to accommodate the same traffic, almost by a factor of two. Why are you so staunchly in favor of greater governmental expenditures for transportation? Why should we double the amount we're spending just to safeguard a market the airlines cannot serve efficiently within our air traffic control system? You're using governmental expenditures to fight the market forces that dictate a dense corridor of 400 or so miles be served by high speed ground transportation with much greater capacity and reliability than the airlines can hope to achieve.

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