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Re: A Question about the Lower Montauk Branch

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed May 6 22:45:57 2009, in response to Re: A Question about the Lower Montauk Branch, posted by lonerebel on Wed May 6 22:33:39 2009.

Fresh Pond would have been even harder to make ADA than Richmond Hill! The walkway from Metro Ave was only about three feet wide, and had twists and turns in it at 90 degree angles, no way a wheelchair was getting through there! Not to mention then having to have TWO elevators down to platform level as that is the way it was set up there! No way that would have been justifed. And Richmond Hill would have required an elevator, but imagine justifying that for only 1 regular passenger a day (who wasn't even handicapped!).

The other three they could have gotten away with a small ramp and platform for one door, but they would have needed two at each station, one on each side (as it's double tracked).

I am sure that must have been the "loophole".

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