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Re: The (AA)

Posted by randyo on Fri Dec 12 18:45:18 2008, in response to Re: The (AA), posted by WayneJay on Thu Dec 11 21:46:15 2008.

The AA ran just about every configuration of car service imaginable. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, the TA didn't want to cut due to equipment problems and the AA ran 8 car trains at all times. I remember the AA from the pre Chrystie days when it ran with all R-9s and on occasion I remember when weekend AA service was provided by R-10s sometime in late 1959/early 1960. Even in r-9 days, there were occasional 8 car AA trains in the shoulder period of th AM rush. The AA/BB service pattern was quite interesting. Midnight service was provided by 3 car trains which were added to 6 car trains for the early part of the AM rush. I don't recall exactly how it was done but for the peak of the AM rush, train length was increased to 8 cars. At the end of the AM rush, tese 8car trains were cut to 2 4 car trains for AA service. In the PM, the first few BBs were 4 cars and these added up upon rturn to 168 St to an 8 car consist. The 2 south cars of the first add were cut off, the 6 north cars were rlayed for a 6 car train and the 2 car butt was pulled to the north end of the station and added to the next arriving 4 car train and th 6 cars were relayed. This continued until all the trains were drilled into 6 car consists. At the end of the PM rush, the 6 car arriving trains were relayed and cut on the southbound track int 2 3 car trains for the PM and midnigh AA service. Some time in the mid 1960s just before Chrystie St (I'm not sure exactly what year), the PM servce pattern changed and the rush hour BB consists were simply added to 8 car consists. This made the cutting down to 3 car consists for the PM a little trickier but still manageable. Immediately after Chrystie, the AA/B service was provided by both R-9s and R-32s and as much as possible, the R-9s were laid up after the rush hours and off peak service was provided by 4 car trains of R-32s although in 1969 when I was a M/M I did operate an 8 car train of R-9s on a midday AA.

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