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Re: Flexliner (was:Re: R179 Specs)

Posted by WillD on Wed Aug 6 18:46:17 2008, in response to Re: Flexliner (was:Re: R179 Specs), posted by JournalSquare-K-Car on Wed Aug 6 18:03:19 2008.

. We are currently lame ducks in terms of passenger railcar manufacturing.

Because there's no market for railcar builders to survive in. Our passenger railcar market is so small it can only exist as a branch of some other industry. Gunderson, Trinity, and other domestic freight car builders could enter the passenger railcar market, but for now the European and Asian companies have the know how and the means to build passenger cars for our market. One only has to look at the utter failure that is Colorado Railcar to see why we can't support a domestic passenger railcar builder.

We need to build something with the quality of the BUDD RDCs, and give them the ability to couple to MU sets,

Now you're grasping at other people's straws.

then we can sell them to europe, as they would buy OUR more ROBUST railcars.

SNCF licensed Budd's stainless steel construction techniques for their Z5100 EMUs back in the 1950s. However, today they're not about to let our obsolete, overweight, and passenger unfriendly cars anywhere near their tracks.

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