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Re: Flexliner (was:Re: R179 Specs)

Posted by WillD on Wed Aug 6 18:34:39 2008, in response to Re: Flexliner (was:Re: R179 Specs), posted by JournalSquare-K-Car on Wed Aug 6 18:00:08 2008.

I read about them...but they couldn't last here in America. We need robust railcars, which can stand the abuse and poor maintanenece that many cars get here.

Again you are speculating and making excuses. American railcars are no more robust than their European counterparts, and if anything maitenance attention is lavished upon them. Most new American rail lines have track structures similar to what the Europeans would use for express services. We're simply far more cautious when it comes to operating the trains.

And you can get seamless passage between cars with NJT stock too

No you cannot. You have to pass through a door from the passenger cabin into a non-climate controlled vestibule which is open to the elements and all rail noise. When you pass between the two cars you are completely exposed on both sides and could potentially slip and fall between the cars. Any passenger sitting near the door gets blasted with hot or cold air depending on the season and they're deafened by the whine of the flange and railhead. On a Flexliner there is a simple automatic door to dampen whatever rail noise enters the cabin which slides aside and you can walk right from one trainset to another without breaking stride.


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