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Re: Keeping old South Ferry station open for the Lexington line after the 1 moves to its new station

Posted by Hank Eisenstein on Mon Jun 16 15:25:09 2008, in response to Re: Keeping old South Ferry station open for the Lexington line after the 1 moves to its new station, posted by trainsarefun on Sun Jun 15 12:59:15 2008.

What's the capacity of the 242nd Street terminal?

And 'getting the trains to leave on-time' is NOT the limiting factor of the South Ferry loop. The limiting factors are four-fold:

The loop requires a very low speed to enter and exit the station, lower than any stub terminal.

The gap fillers must extend before the doors can open, and fully retract before the train can accelerate out of the station, again at low speed.

All passengers must use ONLY the first five cars of the train; this means only 15 doorways are available for passengers, instead of 30. This increases the dwell time not only at SF, but also at all stations south of Chambers St, as the announcement is repeated for people to move forward to get off.

And last, the herds. There is ONE stairway in/out of the station. Couble an arriving ferry with an arriving train at normal midday loads, and you have the people equivalent of gridlock. on the stairs, and more importantly, the platform. Granted, this is the easiest problem to fix, by opening another entry/exit to the station.

There are also the costs to maintain the various equipment on the loop and the gap fillers themselves. The rails on the loop wear out more quickly as well. I'm sure there are other expenses that go into maintaining the loop in service, either as a station or as a simple turning track.

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